Any streaming for paradise jam tournament?

Anyone know if it will be on YouTube or there website? Thanks!

It will be available through but you have to pay a subscription fee of either $30 for a month or $150 for a full year.

I will be watching site to see if anyone picks up the broadcast and streams it.

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It’s not tv but looks like 950am will have the radio broadcast.

first row sports working for anyone? Not working for me…

It was just a place holder. It was more of a wait 'n see. The odds that one of the streamers had an account with was pretty low.

i just checked all paradise games are on flosports :-/

Got the stream, will cancel when the tournament is over.

No one would blame you if you went ahead and cancelled it today.

That was brutal to watch

I bet, about the same through Branham.

In all seriousness though, how was the streaming quality? Had we won today I planned on getting it for the rest of the weekend.

It was serviceable.

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