Anyone Enjoying GME?

How will it end badly? People aren’t buying this for investment, its to screw the shorters. Its amazing how much the establishment its trying to stop this.

Is Andrew Even listening to his own Half Baked Questions? from r/wallstreetbets

There are institutions on the other side of the hedge funds executing the short. These guys might be screwing a small hedge fund but that hedge fund borrows the stock from a large institution like Goldman or Citi and then sells it. Yes the small hedge funds lose but Goldman wins.

Hell Goldman always wins.

After working with some Goldman guys, I came to realize that the first qualification for working at Goldman is you must not have a soul.

“The good part, William, is that, no matter whether our clients make money or lose money, Duke & Duke get the commissions.”


Yes, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the Institutional guys weren’t behind a lot of this.

They let some hedge fund borrow the stock, take 50% margin and then mobilize their little revolutionaries to stick it to the man and drive up the stock price. Their short is covered with the stock at a higher price plus they made a return on the margin. Everyone sleeps better knowing the big bad hedge funds got screwed but the bigger badder institutions made out like bandits.

And hedge funds short stocks and try to drive the price down. Same thing. That’s what they were doing with GameStop.

I made a pretty profit on zom. Also on amc. I bought cinemark and amc back in august. Made about 80% on cinemark before unloading it. Then sat on amc for 5 months before I made my money back and doubled it.

Haven’t had the nads to get in on gme.