BB ticket update

are u set up for like email communication from Uof H, i had the same problem until I got set up to receive emails.

Is it the same for the game in Fort Worth? Season ticket owners only

More info about protocols:

Looks like a lot of tickets available. I want to go but right before Christmas expenses and with a family of 5 I’m looking at a $500 trip.

Well, yeah, I get them for football tickets all the time and basketball in years past.

I opt-out this season.

After my appointment was canceled since all of the tickets were gone, I guess I opted out too…

We got our tickets very early and since we sit in the handicap chairs we got our same seats.
Since we could only sell less than 2k tickets it was obvious there would be many left out

Good lord :roll_eyes:




Worth every penny

So that means I can sell mine for 8K each and make someone think they are getting a bargain

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Well, I have a seat - - - and it “AIN’T” for sale; I WILL be in that seat if I am still alive!


They changed that $10,499 each to read $158 each. A little more reasonable … lol. I’m sure there will be quite a few who take advantage of the supply/demand resale opportunity at hand!

Oh snap, I am going to put mine up for 20k. Should sell fast.

Jeez…$150 a ticket? I’d almost be inclined to make a quick buck. I got really good seats too.

If anyone wants to sell their ticket privately for a game pls let me know ,or if they need an extra i’ll be a loud fan and stand the whole time i promise.

I might sing womp womp though I apologize

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I got mine Friday. While not as good as the past I am not complaining. Glad to get in. Looking forward to this weeks games. I go with a guy who is in Cougar Pride and whose name is on the BB stadium as a donor. Obviously he has a pretty high priority. He really wanted paper tickets(kind of resists electronic). He was able to get paper for football. For basketball they refused to do paper. But all is well.

By the way I was talking to a former coworker who is one of the table crew at Rice. He is doing it this year. They have to wear a mask and a face shield. Plus originally they would have to be COVID tested twice a week(have to come to the school). They reduced that to once a week. Most of the table crew over there live in the Rice area. He lives out on I-10 so they are trying to figure that out. I seriously doubt Rice is going to allow any fans at all. Too bad as I would like to come to some womens games.

And I didnt even go to UH. Went to Iowa. They are not allowing any fans at all. But I have probably donated a lot to Cougar Pride over the years. My friend just tells me how much and I write a check.


I am so upset about this! I only missed two home games last year for UH basketball. This could be one of our best seasons since Phi Slama Jama and I am forced to watch every game at home. Go away damb Covid!!! Maybe if we see a massive die off of the Virus after December than UH and the AAC will change the guidelines which will allow those season tickets holders that didn’t get their chance to pick seats to get back in and finish off the rest of the Season, but since we would of missed many games not under our control we should be refunded the home games that we were not able to attend. My dad and I have had season tickets to UH football for 10+ years and I’ve only missed about 5 home games in that span, so it is very frustrating to have my amazing attenendce record for football destroyed this season but in addition now adding my dedication to attending UH basketball games completely crushed as well. I’m am a UH fan that legitimately gets frustrated and upset when I have to miss a UH football or basketball home game. When I was at UH back in the day I was in Coog Crew and if there was a sporting event and I wasn’t in class, I most likely was at the game, so I am that die hard of a UH fan!