Clemson, FSU to SEC?

If Clemson and FSU were to leave the ACC it won’t be until 2031-36…if the ACC can get a competitive tv revenue contract before then, it will never happen.

We were? That’s not how I recall it. If you look at the SEC Expansion thread, we jumped into “IT’S HAPPENING” mode pretty much immediately. A million different sources were confirming the story within an hour of the Zwerneman story dropping.


We could become a Clemson in that conf. After the 2 leave. Coog Boog might be right after all.

If “they” is ESPN, why would ESPN care how the revenue splits in a conference?

The ACC expanded to kill the Big East back in 2004, and as a result, it picked up a bunch of private religious affiliated universities with mediocre basketball and/or football programs. Schools like WFU and BC don’t really have much of a future in the modern college sports market, unless, they are ready to get in the game. In theory, a school like BC, based in a PE and BioTech hotbed like Boston, should have access to huge sums of money to help build up a division 1 sports program. The question is, will they seek to use these built in advantages to prosper in the new age, or will they wallow in the past and complain about the future?

PLEASE…Clemsom doesnt need the SEC to win a natty…Already proved that…Complete BS!!!


That’s a lot of Tigers in one conference.

Neither do Texas or OU. Everyone wants more money. I doubt the SEC wants them. But who knows?

Agree with you and Virginia Tech too.

Me thinks ESPN release that falsehood to through the heat off Texas and OU. I don’t believe the story!

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I want this to happen. Unfortunately it would mean WVU and Cincy to the ACC but watching Baylor open their empty Christmas gift would be awesome.

Markets don’t matter like they used to. What drove expansion before was cable TV and trying to monetize a conference TV package. So the larger the markets you had the more cable subscribers were forced to take your conference package That is not the case anymore. In the world of streaming what matters are brands. Schools that people are going to tune into ESPN+ and watch.

I think that leaves us in a pretty good place. We have shown that people tune into UH games. We are a pretty good TV draw when we are good. I would love to say we are a good attendance draw as well but we all know the score on that one.

I am just spitballing here but I think the ACC is about to get raided. It will be Big 10 + Pac 10 v SEC. There is a lot of dead weight created in the ACC when they expanded and took the Big East schools. Boston College offers nothing. Pitt and Syracuse add very little. it was a bad marriage based on cable TV and a conference TV package.

Correct. I started the SEC Expansion thread based off seeing a “breaking news” Twitter post Zwerneman had just put out. As the A&M Chron beat writer I knew he was very credible and so did all his Industry members so it went from there.

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Make no mistakes about it. All options are now on the table. Assumptions because of AAU or others are thrown out of the window. This is not about academia. Wake up friends. Just a mile ago nobody from the utaau pimp group of friends was talking about the SEC.
“Oh we are better than anybody else. The SEC is the equivalent to Cougar High. We belong in the PAC or the BIG10”
What happened just a few days ago put that notion to rest. I have no doubts that discussions have taken place for a long time already. The rodent controls college football and that will continue until an amazon, AppleTV, google or other media giants jumps in.

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Florida State hasn’t been the same since that good ole whoopin we gave them in ATL


Are we supposed to believe that? It is fairly simple.


Unless the d.c. swamp intervenes we are going that route. There is no doubt about it.

Ohoho the utau pimp just left the Clemson’s office.

Yah my bad I think I was remembering all the other teams’ message boards who were skeptical

there is very little that FSU and Clemson can do for about 10-12 years…if the ACC does not fix that TV contract money then a decade from now FSU and Clemson are gone.

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