Conspiracy Theory by Alan Moore

If you dwell on other people as conspiracy theorists are you caught in your own conspiracy paradigm?

Naw, just run of the mill obsessive/compulsive mental state.


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How do we know that all of these books and articles that dismiss conspiracy theories are not part of a vast conspiracy to distract us from the truth that is contained in what they label as just another conspiracy theory? :thinking:

And to be honest, no I don’t think Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone wolf that acted alone. I do think that the New Orleans DA, Jim Garrison, was on the trail to the truth.

Yeah, about 60% of Americans believe in a conspiracy on that one from a 2018 poll I saw.
I’m on the fence on that one FWIW.

On more recent events, like 9/11, vaccine and autism link( or weirder things), fraud, etc
I think a good portion of Americans firmly believe in them. And that is scary. The unfortunate problem with the medical one is that there are past facts of the government not doing the right thing ( Tuskegee Study ) that feeds into that suspicion.

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First off - 10 bonus points for a Gavrilo Princip reference!

Second, I am in total agreement. I think we in the U.S. don’t fully understand how important he was to the world we currently live in. Mainly, because the U.S. really did not get involved in WWI until the very end and thus we don’t really study it in HS history. However, as a good UK friend of mine pointed out to me, in Europe, WWI was devastating. It destroyed empires, created new ones, and overturned the entire world order. So much so, that it directly led to WWII, the Cold War, and the various Middle Eastern Wars and other post-colonial conflicts that all of the major powers have found themselves involved in over the last 75 years.

Because of WWI, there were whole towns in Europe with no men! 1000’s of fatherless children, many starving, with no male figures. The other men were veterans, dealing with the impact of trench warfare, PTSD, and the effects of chemical warfare on their mental states. People lost faith in the prevailing authority figures, such as the church, the monarchy and business. To fill the gap, many of these lost young men found refuge in all sorts of vices, including drugs and alcohol. Some, however, found refuge in radical political philosophies, especially fascism and communism. Most of the key leadership in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were WWI veterans, specifically Hitler and Mussolini.

All of this, because some yahoos thought that killing the crown prince of a 2nd rate empire would create an independent greater Serbia. The irony is, Serbia would not truly achieve independence for another 75 years, at which point it became an international pariah for engaging in atrocities against ethnic minorities.

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Quantum physics postulates we maybe creating our collective human reality with our thought’s . Most great religion’s try to make us conscious of this universal inviolable laws, so as you think so are you are., Do unto others as you have them do unto you. The least you do unto to your brother and sisters, you do unto me.