Cool Story

Cedrick Whitaker of North Shore came to the Senior Showcase a few years ago. He said he didn’t think he could go to college and didn’t know what he was going to do.

He was offered a scholarship to play at Texas Lutheran and upon graduation he became a coach for TLU. For the next few years he was TLU’s recruiter at the Showcase.

When Ruhle made his first visit to the TD Club I noticed Ced in the back of the room with a BU shirt on. I went up and asked what the deal was. The coaches at TLU were friends with some of the Baylor guys and recommended Ced as a GA. After the event was over I asked Ruhle if he read about the Showcase in the program. He said yes and like the idea. I told him his driver came from that. He said “Ced?” I told him to ask him about it.

Last year Ced was named DB coach at HBU. He was promoted to Pass Defense Coordinator & DB Coach this year but he didn’t last. The Carolina Panthers just hired him.

Nice kid who has worked hard and done well for himself.


Showcase is Feb 15th. You can volunteer at

Thanks for sharing the great story. It hit me in a number of ways. With many years in public education there often kids who are super good kids who just need a chance. Second, my own brother played football in a small school in the early 60’s and Texas Lutheran College, back then, made him a “Bulldog” lineman and gave him his only chance to go to college. He became a successful businessman and community leader back home after college. Finally, being an early alumni of North Shore where I started my teaching it makes feel good for such a good kid. I remember sharing with my wife about the “Showcase” when it first started that it was a wonderful idea and would impact many young kid’s lives. This one of those lives. Again, thanks for sharing and the part you play in the “Showcase”.


That sounds like the story from the big white guy in the movie Remember the Titans.

Good story!

Thanks for sharing