Covid-19 stats, projections, trends, graphs

Bauer, MBA
Hines, B Arch

Big Oil use to do that a lot. I have been away from the energy industries for a while, I’ll assume not like they use too, if at all.

I had a lot of oil industry employees at my MBA classes at UH. They were from universities all over the place. More out of state undergrads than in state. I always felt that was one of the advantages at UH MBA program was the number of 30 to 40 year old energy industry progessionals at UH when I was only 23.

Good to see so many non-UH MBAs still supporting UH sports. I use to have a neighbor who moved up to Montgomery CO last summer. He was a UH undergrad with a Rice MBA and you would never know he went to UH unless you dug it out of him. But you knew he went to Rice for that MBA. The stickers were all over his cars.

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I have a UH emblem on my car. Nothing for Rice. UH gave me the opportunity to do everything that I’m doing now.



This shows the value of the MBA…no matter how much we disagree there is a mutual respect for others who have gone through one :smiley:


Same. You don’t have to know me at all to know I’m a huge UH fan. I wear UH gear pretty much nonstop. To tie this back to COVID, I got asked how many UH masks I had at church last Wednesday. The answer is several. Lol

I own nothing from SMU other than my diploma on my office wall. And, it’s at the bottom. :slight_smile:


In a lot of ways, the other students are what make MBA programs great (or not). I love learning from other people smarter than me.

I didn’t have a lot of energy professionals at SMU (think just a couple other than me) but that was a good thing for me. It broadened me beyond what I know.

Oh no…the return of the dreaded eco-nistas !!!

Thee that does not understand the virus shall
foolishly kill innocents in the name of economy.
And by their folly undermine the very thing they cherish most !

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So true you can’t have an economy until you control the virus.

The average American does not or confident with doing things they have.

Just because you open everything up tomorrow people will not just go back to previous behaviors.

The government put business before people and confidence has been eroded.

And with the political games being played with a vaccine that is not helping make people feel safe or confident.


Not to mention HHS “managing” CDC reporting

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This is stuff is much more complex than some want it to be.

Also find that very interesting. They’ve moved well beyond the essentially 18th and 19th century idea of self-interest and realize that many factors influence economic decisions.

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You clearly avoid debate…silence a differing opinion! He’s not hostile…just has his own opinion…

It wasn’t just energy professionals, but downtown Houston where many of the UH MBA students came from were energy. We had them from NASA, and related aerospace E&C, petrochem, and so forth. But when I got my MBA Houston was less diversified than it is today industry wise. But the same concept, the program is tapping those working professionals from down town and the Greenway Plaza to Galleria area and so forth.

DFW is more of an infromation technology and communications even retail business area than energy and petrochem business area.

But it is a major benefit of a Bauer MBA is the diversity and maturity of the business professionals. Because of the size of DFW, or at least the Dallas area that SMU would have a similar advantage.

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Depends on November 3rd

For sure. The Bauer MBA is big time!

Love me some Bauer. It was great to me.

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:grin: :+1:

A study showing kids from day care spreading covid
to their homes. Children spreading
a virus ! Who would even have thought this possible or seen this coming ??? Education secretary said kids were like virus stoppers.

Study: Kids infected at day care spread coronavirus at home

“They do say that they [children] don’t transmit very easily, and a lot of people are saying they don’t transmit,” he said. “They don’t bring it home with them. They don’t catch it easily; they don’t bring it home easily.”


“A lot of people are saying…” SMH. But he never identifies those people.

The Dakotas leading the way in new cases per capita.

Was there a big event in the area where folks refused to wear masks? I can’t recall but I am sure it was safe. (End sarcasm)



1st Period. Starts at 7:05, and kids start entering at 6:45. I take their temperature, and check to be sure they’ve completed the Covid form and QR code. This is one of my less crowded classes. Next one has 25 for 29 desks. Ay carumba!
