Ed Oliver arrested for DWI, unlawfully carrying a weapon

I bet those officers were glad they didn’t have to tangle with big Ed.

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Huh! :roll_eyes:

Not on his DWI, but at UH, yes, I blaim the COACH on that. Sorry, my mind will not change on that one.

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It’s spelled – Blame. And it wasn’t the Coach’s fault, sorry my mind won’t change on that one! :grin:

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Well good for you. COACH in my opinion is at fault. Now, moving forward from this discussion.

Wasn’t really discussion but ok. Reminds me of what Tracy McGrady once said “Not my fault Coach” !


Can you get a DWI on a horse?

Depends on where you live. DUI laws vary from state to state. You can be charged with a DUI for riding a horse under the influence in some states if you’re riding on a public road. Also, it’s important to distinguish the difference between a field sobriety test and a breathalyzer test. All states have implied consent laws, which means you consent to a breathalyzer when you get your license. Refusing to do so will likely result in penalties. In Oregon, for example, refusing a breathalyzer carries a mandatory suspension of your drivers license for one year. Penalties vary from state to state.


While there is no penalty, PER SE, in Texas for refusing a field sobriety test, the investigating officer can (and generally will) take that refusal into consideration when determining whether probable cause exists to arrest you for DWI.

Refusing a breath or blood test in Texas following an arrest for DWI can result in a license suspension of 90 days to 2 years.

And if you refuse the blood test, the cops can always go to a judge and get a “blood warrant” signed ordering you to give over the red stuff.

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I didn’t say anything about refusing a blood draw. Absolutely refuse a field sobriety test. Get your lawyer on the line immediately.

Edited a previous post.

I was chatting with some folks today with a mask on.

Apparently some attorneys don’t think it is the worst idea to participate in a field sobriety test.

Apparently some attorneys believe it is better to fight the quality of the administration of test.

As the previous poster said.

Get a lawyer.

He should blame it on Covid 19…everything else is !!

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I am a stroke survivor an it is impossible for me to pass any type of balance test even stone cold sober.


Never do the field sobriety test, or blow into a breathalyzer.

Just the facts…


Call Gary Trichter.


Call Jim Adler-- The Texas Hammer

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Ed Oliver has a motor. That is what the scouts said. Ergo, he can never drink again.

Not a drinker, just curious: Is that jail time , if you refuse that? What if he received a threat from them officers and was pressured to do so ( and it is their words over his?)

Happy you are still here friend. So am I. Blood pressure related.

Thanks for answering my question.