Fewer games? Games on campus? Bowls could get a makeover

Fewer games? Games on campus? Bowls could get a makeover

There is currently an NCAA-imposed freeze on the creation of new bowls that caps the field at 40 through 2019. Over the next few years the people invested in the bowls — commissioners, athletic directors and bowl executives — will consider ways to improve the bowl system and answer the question: What should bowls be?

Chances are there will be fewer bowls, data-driven limitations on how many bowls a conference can lock in and maybe even postseason games played on campus. But for those who long for the days when there were a dozen or so bowls that rewarded only the very best teams in college football, well, you might as well wish for the return of leather helmets. Neither is coming back.

perhaps the bar should be reset from 6 - 6 to 7 - 5

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You could only do that if there were less bowls.

Isn’t that the point? This bowl season was a total bust as far as I am concerned. I think I watched maybe 6 games total, including the UH game and the NY6 games.

I agree as I watched fewer games this year than normal. The Coogs losing early kind of tinted my feelings as it takes me a week or two to want to watch the sport again after my team loses. Even so, The matchups were lacking this year as there were few to any reasons to watch them. They really need to reign in the number of bowls in order to create better matchups.

we would ALL be better off if 9 or 10 bowls disappear…5-7 and 6-6 teams should NEVER be allowed to go to a bowl game…