How could COVID-19 even happen and could it happen again?

I posted this video on a different thread but IMO it deserves its own thread. It is a chilling video with an unexpected local twist.

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Someone commented:

“Ok vegans…you win this round” :joy:

I don’t get it.

I think it was a reference to them not eating meat (or in this case, an animal infected with Covid).

Disable your ad blocker. This video is worth watching WoodMarkCos. Be the judge then feel free to criticize my post. Heck I will take it out if it does not catch your interest. How is that for customer service, lol. This is apolitical. This is one of the best if not the best documentary on the subject.

That’s uncalled for and disrespectful to someone’s daughter and someone’s wife. Doesn’t belong here or anywhere else.