New stats for CO V 19 - Suspensions will now be handed out for posting politics

I already replied that isn’t the case. Read all my posts.

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Of course not.

No one has said that, and no one is suggesting that.

But we are STATING (not merely suggesting, because they are now established facts) that a) some sort of lockdown is/was necessary; Sweden is the one country that did otherwise, and they have paid a heavy price in lives as a result, AND b) such a “don’t worry, be happy” approach does not appear to have achieved its desired effect, that is to say, it has not prevented an economic crisis.

Given that, the Swedish approach has basically been proven to be failure and is pretty much indefensible.

Obviously, we can’t stay locked down forever, but at the same time we shouldn’t have never been locked down, and we have to be careful about unlocking things too hastily.

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Ryon these come in waves. We will see a reduction in the pandemic in the summer. That is why the politicians are trying to push the opening back so it corresponds with the natural reduction. They don’t get blamed for a spike and they look omnipotent. Great politics. Bad economics.

There will be a secondary spike in late fall and it will be deadly. How deadly depends on herd immunity. Sweden feels like their overall death rate will be lower because they won’t suffer the secondary spike. We will see. Time will tell.

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I can tell you this much. A lot more people in those neighboring countries are going to have to die in the future compared to Sweden in order for the Swedish approach to look successful.

I wouldn’t put money on that happening.

Your crystal ball might be better than mine. We will see.

Sweden’s economy isn’t expected to do any better than those neighboring countries either.

Sweden isn’t doing this for their economy. They are doing it because they think it’s the best way to handle. I think they are making a mistake. Time will tell.

In NY they are seeing just as many under 45 waiting in ER lines. Now most of those dont end on ventilators but some do and some some pass. In NY the mortality rate for under 45 is close 1 percent. That should give you an idea of how off you are about the severity of the problem and why comparing to the Hong Kong Flu makes no sense.

Twice as many tests, but 10 times as many deaths. Yep, we are winning. We have more money and resources than Germany, we should easily be at 4-5 times more tests based off of population and GDP. We aren’t because we started much later than them. It’s as simple as that.

How many under 45 never show a symptom? The mortality rate isn’t a number I put a lot of merit into. Especially after researchers saying it is possible that over 50% of people may be asymptomatic.

This is more about not overwhelming our healthcare system. Take NYC out of the picture and hospitals have been mainly underwhelmed. Not over.

Ask any nurse or doctor in any city in America if they are underwhelmed



I’ve talked to a few. Who have been trying to get hours. Because all non-essential procedures have basically been cancelled. With their hours cut.

Non essential? I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.
The people i have talked to tell how stressful and how time consuming it is to deal with any Covid infected

You said to ask any doctor or nurse in America if they’re underwhelmed. I just told you that a lot are having their hours cut. Because there aren’t enough COVID patients. And they’re also not taking in patients for non-essential procedures. Not sure what there isn’t to get?

If a procedure can be pushed out, then that is what hospitals are doing. But there aren’t enough COVID patients to outweigh the patients they are losing by pushing back procedures. Thus, hours are being cut.

The US has 4 times the population of Germany, but our Covid death rate is 2.5 times that of Germany. That’s not terrible.

You’re comparing non-equivalents. We have 4 times the population, but ten times as many dead. That is an equivalent comparison. We should only have four times as many if we were doing as good of a job. But Our death rate is higher so we have a higher total dead than they would with a comparable population.

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That isn’t how it works. There a plenty of covid patients. People are not doing elective procedures because we don’t want to expose people to covid. That means those who work in elective procedure offices aren’t getting as much work.
I was suppose to have a blood test and it has been postponed and I was also supposed to have my teeth cleaned, also postponed. It doens’t mean no one is in the ER or ICU wards. It is meant to minimize exposure to the disease.


What? Death rate is already broken down by population so anything over 1 is bad. You just proved we are 2.5 worse than Germany on deaths.

If you haven’t looked into some of the things they did, there are some cutting edge things that I hope we add in going forward. The “Corona Taxis” are something that probably helped a lot too. But the biggest thing we should have learned is testing early and often is the best way to beat something like this.

If we had proper testing and/or PPE, we could be doing these elective procedures. Instead, we sit and do nothing and take pay cuts. :frowning:


It’s the healthcare industry. You could pull over other people if things got crazy. Such as nurses or doctors to help treat. Especially since they’re not tied up with other procedures. That’s just not happening. Because the demand isn’t there. Except for NYC. I have no issue with that stuff being pushed out. But you can’t say our healthcare system is overwhelmed. It’s clearly not. And that’s a good thing. But bad for some of the nurses and doctors that aren’t being paid right now.