Pirates clubbing SMOOO

At this juncture of the season, our greatest challenge is for NO more games to be postponed or canceled.

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I ain’t buying that they cannot move the championship game back
probably due to the don’t give a sh!t model

Why have a championship game
 Cincy is the winner
Oh wait, there is TV money involved.

It may not matter in the end, and most people are getting into the “who cares” mode !

Will be interesting to see if Ohio State doesn’t qualify for their CG based on big rules.

Bet they change their rules at last minute.


they should move the memphis game and have us play tulsa if we beat smu.
if we beat tulsa , then push back the champ game so that tulsa plays cinci when we play memphis.
if we lose to tulsa, the tulsa, cinci game becomes the champ game
on the 19th as scheduled.
only if we win out and tulsa loses to us does the league need to change the champ game date.


They can, and will, do what they want to. Right now, the AAC doesn’t want to jeopardize Cincy’s grasp on an NY6 bowl, assuming they have them.


Aresco has an East Coast bias. There. I said it