PSA: Coach's Show now at BB's in Hi8s


I’m really glad Brooks is getting the show for a year.


Yeah. My posse can actually attend. Heights Coogs, GO!


Interesting. We seem to be moving away from Ragin Cajun. T&F team had their end of year get together at BB’s as well.

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love BBs , great location, except it’s in the hieghts not the hates…


And BB’s seems to be the caterer of choice recently as well. I like BB’s but I also like Ragin Cajun. But I am not their target audience – the last football coach’s show I attended was at Irma’s and Maggard came by to introduce himself!



They do run a pretty good lunch crowd and parking can be %$* on White Oak. But I guess one pm should be okay.

Their food is absolutely delicious. And is owned by Coogs — a former UH QB is part owner.


HIs dad was a fb letterman also and his sister ran track.

I live in Sugar Land and they could not have made it any more difficult to get to if they tried.

Yeah that time of day to the Heights from Sugar Land is tough. Hopefully we can have another one out that way. PS. I am from Sugar Land originally.

With 8 or so locations spread throughout Houston maybe they can think about rotating it to different parts of town? Right now it looks locked into the Heights but you never know. I might be open to making the Cypress location with enough notice.

Middle of the day traffic is lightest of all.
You knew what you were getting when you moved to Sugar Land…the burbs.
Don’t complain.


Shots fired! :gun::gun::joy::joy:

that is an absolutely ridiculous statement. I bought my house in the early 80s so that my children could grow up in a family friendly area with good schools, not the hell hole HISD schools. I will pass on the coach’s show knowing that I did well for my children who are well adjusted adults that I am proud of.


Also a reminder that this starts tomorrow.

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I plan to be there.

I very sadly have to miss this one. Please keep us in the loop if you can attend. What was said, what are they eating, who’s wife is hot? You know the usual. haha

Maybe we could do it in The Woodlands in the future. Haha