Romero gone for good

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Not trying to jump on the kid because he is so talented, but he has learned that he can not get away with the same things he could at West Columbia.
Coach Whitting gave him every chance in the world and his rebellious spirit just could not comprehend. Without a lesson learned here he will not make it at the next level either.
I appreciate coach Whitting standing up and making the decision. Personally I think the team will be better off and will be more unified.


See you Seth; thank you for your time and I wish you the best. Hope you figure it out.

Team will be better off without him.


Word is a freshman called him out and threw a ball at his chest. Seth didn’t take it lightly and did what any man would.

That tells me the team wanted him gone. Goad him into a final violation of team rules.

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Very tired of this…“the team wanted him gone” that is a HELL NO…nobody wants a top 10 overall pick gone. That helps the team in no way shape or form, he was an idiot time and time again and for the sake of the program Whitting had no choice. If a freshman “threw a ball at his chest” and he couldn’t deal with that outside of baseball then he has no mental capability on the next level. I’ve pitched at the highest level and your mental bandwidth has to be at an all time high to be successful. I absolutely hate that he is gone from a winning standpoint but as a head coach rules are rules no matter how much you want to bend them for certain players. i respect Whitting for doing this but it doesn’t help our chances as this year is concerned. Everyone stop taking up for Seth…at the end of the current day he is an idiot lets just hope for himself and his future he cleans up his act, at the end of the day he is forever a coot

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I am glad he is gone. This is a team game, and too much time and energy has been spent on an ego driven juvenile who cannot blend into the team. The coach and administration has wasted enough time on someone who could care less about the privilege of being a Cougar.

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