Sun Belt > Big 12

And, HBU is hanging with Tech. Maybe canceling the season wouldn’t have been such a bad idea for the Big 12.


Wasn’t that first used by Chaucer in a story about a nun and a priest, and maybe a fox? 10th grade was a looonng time ago. Mrs. Cowser was a really good teacher and put a lot of stuff in my head, but it sometimes gets lost.


Haha. I don’t know, man. I googled it because I can’t remember ever hearing it. A+ for original mascot naming.


Carolina up 21 -0

Oh man…

Make it 28- 0

I’m telling you, KU needs to pull out that artificial grass, it’s making Les sick – and his team is catching what he has.

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And if TT loses to a Southland team…oh man…that is the cherry on top.

The sunbelt came to play this season

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Almost. Tech hangs in 35-33. HBU missed the 2 point conversion

HBU got some big time cred tonight, even with a loss.

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That is one bad week for the mighty 12.

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Teams ain’t practicing much this year and it shows who has been getting reps and who ain’t

Please don’t give the Big 12 a pass.

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All they’ve had to do is practice.

Loving it.

AAC 3 - 0 SBC
LilXII 0 - 3 SBC

Edit: Tulsa could screw this up in a couple of weeks though.


Kansas came back in the 3rd Qt with 14 points and 6 in the 4th. Coastal didn’t need the 10 in the 4th but it helped.

Boy, the Big 12 not off to a good start. Hopefully this carries over to our game next weekend.

kansas vs coastal carolina - Google Search;


SBC rode the Big12-2 like a rented mule😃