Tune Ranking

You have one month to wait, then UH2021!


Well, my English professors, other professors for whom I wrote papers, and every English teacher, proof reader, and editor I currently know, and they are many, disagree. In American English the only acceptable spelling is “judgment”.

Just because they prefer judgment, and they demand it, it doesn’t make it wrong to use judgement outside of their classes.

Yes it does.

I see Tune getting better. I think the next progression for him is to when to run and when to drop it off to Dell, TE, or running back and let them do their thing. This is a feel thing and when the offense slows down for him.

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I just hope we get all our players back for this stretch run.


I agree. You’ll not see it used in any American court or legal filing.

It’s not a minority/majority view of things–Americans just don’t use it.

It’s kind of like words like “organization.” In England, it’s “organisation.” They got theirs and we got ours and that’s that.


And I don’t like criticizing spelling or grammar–we all make mistakes. So I don’t.

But UH2020 is often pompous and rude, so he deserves whatever comes his way, IMO.


I can buy that.

Tune is not the core issue with our team. He’s not perfect but we would have a better record with better play elsewhere.

Thanks. That’s the only reason I did it. If it had been anyone else, I would’ve ignored it. BTW, the online Webster’s dictionary doesn’t even list judgement as an alternative spelling. I didn’t check the OED to see if it acknowledges both spellings.