USF Blackout Game... Marketing 101

Don’t show the fuddy duddy Alumni in red, just show the students
in black. At least half the FC will be in black.

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There’ll be plenty of alums in black for the theme. It’s only the dull fuddy duddy ones that won’t play.

Those are approved colors for the University of Houston overall… marketing, different colleges/departments, etc. Athletics colors are the ones we are used to seeing and approved only for athletics… the red, gray, black combos.

Every year, winning or losing in any sports, we are consistent on this topic

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Gray? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s not about the primary colors. Many schools do this without black as a primary color just because black jerseys look cool and when the players are going to wear black jerseys once in a season, isn’t even cooler if the fans match them?

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I’m far more worried about Brady’s fouls that what the fans are wearing.

Lately he’s not even in foul trouble and CKS has taken him out. Came out at less than 2 mins into 2nd half with 1 or 2 total fouls n never returned. Same thing game before. Getting very little playing time.

I think Brady’s playing time is 1 part inability to stay out of foul trouble and 2 parts Harris and Gresham stepping up their defensive intensity. I would not be surprised if Brady is still starting for two basic reasons, Kelvin likes starting seniors and he doesn’t like changing starting lineups after wins. When Brady plays the first two minutes and comes out after the first whistle regardless of his foul count, it feels like him starting is mostly just a figure head thing more than being the top player at his position thing.

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We like to go low post on first possession and Brady is really the only one of the three with a 1 on1 low post game. After that I think it is game flow and defensive energy level that dictates when Brady gets subbed.

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