Why doesn't COH invest in Ice

This happening anywhere else? Feel bad for those who don’t have power and now don’t have usable water either.

That’s better than no water. We haven’t had water for at least 30 hrs and stock tank pool is frozen, so flushing the toilet has been hard. We were out of electricity for 36 hrs. Cell service sucks. I have a gas generator, so we were not freezing. When power came on, a neighbors house burnt to the ground. So count your blessings.

Both my brothers lost power. One lives in a high rise with lots of elderly. Hope everyone makes it. I assume some sad stories are coming

Lost power for 48 hours. Cell service was inexistent. Pipes burst and had water damage around my house. This could’ve been prevented or minimized and everyone in charge is responsible idc what political party it is. It’s like hurricanes season. No solutions but you can just stay home.

I expect this to happen at my ranch not the city with the name energy capital of the world.

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This same situation occurred back in 2011. This is not a once in a generation event. This event was foreseeable, and professor Hirs warned everyone back in 2013.

Texas did not give ERCOT authority to enforce oversight against power generators. So those private companies didn’t spend money to winterize plants. Now their non-winterized facilities have crashed. When that situation is combined with yearly shut-in of plants that are routinely taken off-line for repair and maintenance in February and March, we have a point where our power generating capacity is less than half of normal output.

Just a situation that was waiting for a cold weather catastrophe. This was a “when”situation, not an “if”.Greed is not good for the general public.

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While sitting in the dark this morning heard this dude on Michael Berry.


That’s really not the issue. If the coal and gas plants had been winterized, like they were asked to be after the 2011 freeze, then they wouldn’t be offline.



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Texas doesn’t follow any national policy in terms of the electrical grid or energy in general.

They are subject to pollution rules. I read that the Feds okayed them producing more pollution to supply energy

Energy production is only a small part of pollution and Texas has gone over on what it is allowed for years because the EPA is a joke. Would love to hear your thoughts on how other states are not facing the same issues as Texas right now with colder and stronger winter storms. The wind turbines in Iowa work fine when their temperatures get into the negatives. Coal and natural gas plants in Pennsylvania don’t freeze up when they get months of freezing weather.

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So if the power generating assets don’t generate power, then they likely don’t make money at a time they could make a premium. Seems like they are incentivized to winterize the equipment.

  1. That dude is a fossil fuel/coal lobbyist. 2. Not an energy scientist or engineer (got his degree in philosophy) 3. Misstates facts and figures in his thread.

It’s a pass for me.


Oh for god’s sakes fix this freaking problem because this is bad for business. Texas having people freezing without power is ridiculous. We are the energy capital of the world. It is like people starving in a grocery store.

Wind and solar is nice but being renewable doesn’t necessarily make you reliable. Texas should have belts and suspenders when it comes to power and energy because we are the kings of energy.

This was just stupid. I like the Gov. But fix the damn problem. Blaming the other side when you have a problem is an other side of the aisle strategy. Your side of the aisle is supposed to fix problems. So fix it.

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Since when is nuclear a fossil fuel.

Renewable vs reliable. I’ll take reliable

I see people at still buying “the unreliable renewables” narratives foisted upon the world. Though plenty disproven at this point. It’s been acknowledged that a drop in wind and solar we’re going to happen.

If the “reliables” hadn’t failed we wouldn’t be in the current situation. But they did and it’s going to be obvious why after all this is said and done. Will there be any accountability and changes? F no.

Edited: For being too correct


Don’t go there dude. Stay focused on the graph

Yeah looking at the chart it’s pretty simple…gas genrerstion falling off by almost half is the main culprit.

Blaming wind and solar is like blaming the wideouts for not being able to have a run game… Sure there’s problems, but there’s a much bigger cause.


Our governor disagrees with you. Regardless of what he says on the right side of the mainstream media, he loves wind. That is why the state has been pushing so hard in that direction. It is cheap, easy, and makes a ton of money for companies. We have just been incredibly stupid to not winterize anything. I said in another thread, the natural gas power plants should be the priority to winterize. We use less of our wind power in the winter anyway and a bunch of the turbines are in the gulf and work fine. A reminder that as of yesterday wind power loss was only 13% of the losses in the state. If those coal and gas plants dont freeze up, we would have been alright. If we had excess energy close to federal levels, there would have been almost no issues.

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If I want to know the best clubs in Montrose, I’ll listen to Michael Berry.

If I want to know the best lawyers available to get me out of a drunken hit and run, I’ll listen to Michael Berry.

If I want accurate information on any other topic, I will never listen to Michael Berry.