Your first UH tailgate experience?

Mine. I was a senior at UH in 2001. Wondered out to the parking lot from the Bauer Alumni Pavilion. Met some folks that loved Cougar football as much as i did. They offered me food and beverage and good times. Still my friends till this day. They were probably 20 people there. Maybe… The parking lot was about 10% filled and we thought that was pretty good.

My college friend who I continue to go to games with till this day was apart of IEEE so we joined their tailgate party in 2011. They had a pretty cool DJ playing the current greatest hits. We brought our own beer to the event but we quickly realized we weren’t going to be able to finish the beer before entering the stadium. So as we stood in the students only entrance line we had to share with the other students around us.

I can’t remember which game it was but if i had to guess with was the 74-34 comeback win against Rice in the rain. Greatest time I ever had at a football game rain and all. I can still remember the smoked filled parking lot during the tailgate and the large groups of students dancing. That was my quintessential college moment.

I was never apart of any student organizations so I don’t have a group to tailgate now-a-days.

I voluteeed to cook with the Bada Bing tailgate team and met some amazing people and have kept up with them over the years.

A group of us would park in W2 at the Dome and try to tailgate out of our car trunks. Nothing hot, beer soft drinks chips and cookies. The rent a cops would show up and tell us to put everything up and go inside or they would arrest us. Our first real tailgate was the one year the Dome allowed tailgating in N1. We still tailgate to this day.

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Same here. Those old Dome “tailgates” were no more than just hanging out around the trunk with a few buddies who rode over with you, drinking a couple beers and eating a sammich before walking into a 4 or 5 hour Run’nShoot extravaganza.

When my buddy and I first started going to the games Bill Yeoman was coaching and we would take our dates to Jaimie’s Hamburgers on North Braeswood. Hard to believe that was 45 years ago.

Do i know these people?

Dome parking lot. Doesn’t count though. First one was at rice stadium. This is where we dreamed up the coogfans tailgate. The rest, as they say is history. Congrats to everyone for making the tailgates as a destination event. I would never been able to see its current state in all my best dreams

Dome and Rice stadium in '76. Not much to them, just Antone’s Po-Boys and drinks in the parking lot.

Is there a coogfans tailgate? This will be my first season not in the marching band so I litterally have no clue how to be a normal fan. Do you guys all do your own thing or is there a big meeting spot for all the coogfans?

Texas Tech game in 2009. Wife and I were still students, and we brought her dad who is a Tech grad.

Was a huge deal then, probably half the folks out tailgating were Tech fans. Was probably the best tailgate atmosphere of my first 3-4 years of being a fan, would be just another Saturday game against Tulsa now. I would imagine this year’s game against the Raiders will blow that one out of the water from an atmosphere standpoint.