101 KLOL Documentary

Anyone seen it?

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I remember in Jr high and HS begging friends who would go to a concert to get the KLOL band stickers they would hand out.

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Werenā€™t those 97 Rock stickers that had the band names?

In the brush paint script?

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That sounds vaguely familiarā€¦(narrator: He is considering deleting his post)


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I know KRBE also did some stickers with band names back in the day. Though likely not anyone who was played on either rock station.

Does it mention Bob Ford? I stole this from his Facebook page. On a person note: Bob was on the Oā€™Connell Night Grade football team in Galveston that I assisted coached. Saw him recently and we reminisced about those days while he laughingly said ā€œboy, you were a real ass#oleā€. Heā€™s also my cousin-in-law and I digress. Edit: his sister is a cousin-in-law

K101 was a gas!
I was on the air at 97 Rock the night Moby first hit town in Houston. He was driving some old, beat-up carā€¦that he said was lucky to make it all the way to Houston. He lost his front fender when he went over some railroad tracks on his way to the station that night. I remember him saying ā€œwell, this ainā€™t startinā€™ out goodā€ā€¦

Little did we knowā€¦or even imagineā€¦to what heights he would soar.

When I got off the air that nightā€¦the two of us made our way over to Fitzgeraldā€™s (in my car!) for a few beers.

We were instant friendsā€¦and remained that way. Always.

From our days together at 97 Rockā€¦to our days at 101 KLOL. Moby was doing afternoonsā€¦I followed him every day when I was doing nightsā€¦back in 1989. Talk about some fun timesā€¦and many, many laughs. You think he was funny on-the-airā€¦you shouldā€™ve heard the stuff he said off-the-air!!

Cool to seeā€¦and not unexpectedā€¦all the tributes to Mobyā€¦and the memories he made for so many friends and listeners.

I was honored to be inducted with Moby last year into the Texas Radio Hall Of Fameā€¦along with our 97 Rock alumā€¦Hannah Storm.

We spoke earlier this year about getting together at this yearā€™s induction ceremony in November. Thatā€™ll have to wait till sometime down the road.

God Bless You Moby. You were a hootā€¦and will never be forgotten!


Crash in your dash

Happy trailsā€¦.

Used to listen to Bob Ford at night, I believe. Know his voice well.

Official trailer

The documentary is now a available to rent or purchase streaming!

I remember when they did the switch over. I was like wtf? Didnā€™t they also do the devil went down to Georgia at 4:20pm on the daily?

I donā€™t think so, at least not during any period of time I was listening.

What song did they play during 4:20pm? I know they play a song daily for that time slot.

Where is it available to stream?

Amazon, apple and others. follow the link I posted previously.

I donā€™t recall KLOL doing that.

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I remember Dayna Steele doing a ā€œZep Setā€ every afternoon, but I donā€™t remember what time.

I believe this was the song.