11/13 Dana Presser

Some legit news w usual tall tales.


If we aren’t going to fire him…can we turn off his mic the rest of the season?

He just pisses us off more and more every single time he opens his mouth


I’ve listened to all of his public media appearances this season because I like to be an informed hater. Just can’t do it anymore though. Just waiting for the firing now.


Excellent job of completing that task in your planner.



It’s over.

He knows. We know it.


Solid PC. Some tough opening questions about the tragic loss of three former players. Interesting insight into players hanging around after football and pondering what’s next. At least DJ had first round money to buy extra time for options but sad that a daughter is left without her dad.

Some upset players about PT but he rightly said they need to produce in practice. He called out Fleming as being upset. It’s always a balance between PT and trying to win games.

52 newcomers at OSU. It sure seems that Gundy has done a strong job of getting the team in the right direction (post-South Alabama) and then UCF happened. That’s sort of our KSU game. We bounced back at Baylor and expect that OSU will bounce back in Houston.


That is interesting. I didn’t see Fleming out there vs UC. Not even on punt returns and assumed he was banged up.

Yeah, everything points to Okie Lite getting right against us. Idk how UCF shut them down like that.

“That’s B12 football.” :wink:


UH ath dept shut off the comments on the presser… :joy:

He knows
We know
Admin knows

Coulda just let Brian Early coach this Saturday and reassign CDH but here we are!


They said Fleming was out with injury…

It was pouring rain there, too… Made it easy to load up against the run.

I actually like Dana and have no problem with him personally. From what I gather from a couple of people who have interacted with him socially, he is a good guy. I have supported him for 5 years now and I am sad that he hasn’t worked out here and I think he has tried. I just want a better coach than him to lead our team because I think he is suited to be an OC, but not a head coach.


My uncle said the same thing about Dimel. He flew with him to a game and talked about what a nice guy he was.

I knew Kim Helton on a first name basis, but wasn’t upset when I got back to my hotel room in NYC to hear he was fired after winning the Army game.

only member of this staff I hope is retained


Mentioning DJ was nothing more than pandering for sympathy and look at me , I’m a good guy.

What a piece of trash.


You don’t know what is in his heart. You can hate him and want to fire him, but I am sure that news hit him as hard as many of us. He knew DJ on a personal level and most of us don’t.


All I know is I saw the look he gave Belk when he had to use a TO in the 3rd quarter because D was out of position…

I won’t be surprised if he gets one more year with a new DC…

You hit the nail on the head.

And you know that’s the angle he was playing by what he said… He was “probably” going to hire him “in a few weeks.” That’s garbage.


Does it really matter that’s he’s disappointed? No offense, but it’s a decision for the future of the program.

It’s not just a game here or there. He’s lost the entire community. Recruits, boosters, city etc. We have never in recent memory had this kind of apathy - even with Applewhite. The Big12 was supposed to change all that, but the reality is not the case.

The only reality is Dana’s ugly ball. And he stubbornly can’t see it. Well, he’ll have 14m reasons to think about why it didn’t work. In the meantime, the PROGRAM is in a death spiral given every advantage.

Again, we’d be lucky to be a 500 team in the AAC.

Belk is horrible. We simply cannot win a game unless you stop TOP (time of possession) offenses just running. There is no linebacking. There is no secondary. Horrible.

Offense equally horrible. It all starts from a Qb not fit to run the system. Let’s wait forever to get the ball out or scramble. Oh wait, let’s throw a lateral to a guy that has zero chance to make positive yardage. That’s the offense.


I only hope the boosters are thinking this way.

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