11:19 Remaining

At that moment in the Rutgers game Harper hit a 3 for The Scarlet Knights to make the score 50 to 40 Rutgers.

In the remaining 11:19 The Knights scored 10 points while our Cougars scored 23.

Our defense had them worn out by then. Our Culture of strength and conditioning took over. Deeky’s inspired play took over.

Rutgers dropped from scoring 1.75 points per minute to only .88 per minute over the last 11:19.

A 50% drop in per minute scoring!

Congrats to our Coaches who run Strength and Conditioning as well as Sampson’ Asst. Coaches.


Nice analysis!


Coach Bishop FTW!

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I think Deeky’s effort and refusal to back down got to them …literally psyched them out.
They all new individually, they would be on the bench…they were in awe of the effort and broke


Great point. I would have not ever realized those points. Thanks

Player’s psyche till turn when a major impact occurs. Right before the “tide turned” our players did not physically and more importantly respond to Rutgers physical approach. Rutgers had one chance at winning this game. Outwrestle us on every play which they did. We did not cope with pressure. That was clearly evident. The difference for me was:
Dejon coming back into the parquet floor like reminding his team mates “Wake the blip up”
and they finally did.
I do feel that if Dejon had not entered played we would not have won. He was clearly the catalyst to this late come back. That is the beauty of leadership when a special individual “carries” everybody on their back.


Our Players had enough reserve in their tanks to mount the effort.

To respond to Deeky.

Strength and Conditioning. Hard practices. Fills up the tanks.


Right after that we turned the ball over and then next possession Sasser missed two wide open 3s. That was the only point of the game I thought we were going to lose. Fabian came up with some big points to start the turnaround.


I was stressing hard after Sasser missed those 3s…


Then Fabian hit that straight a way 3 and I thought… We Got Life!


I think some of the 23-10 scoring you described, was some of the effect that CKS and staff made at halftime! We went 7:23 in the first half with only one FG, we were in a rut of coming down missing a shot & Rutgers clearing the boards. Sampson said post game that Rutgers really kept our “bigs” off the “glass”! He said we adjusted to our guards getting the off. Rebs.

I wasn’t at the point of giving up but I didn’t think things were going to end well. Is that semi-giving up?

Actually, most of that game was a blur.

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My oh no moment was when Sasser went brain dead and threw the entry pass out of bounds and then stepped out of bounds. Two uncharacteristic turnovers. He came up big at the end with the free throws.

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