2024-2025 Houston Cougars Basketball Season

Thats what worries me. That the team was completely different without Jamal. So we need Milos to step up and score and put the team on his back when he needs to.

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The ceiling is whether we can go undefeated.

We have 14 players and all of them may be capable of playing at a Big 12 level.

Our 1983 team had 10 that played, but some were truly bench players who were not ready for prime time.

We have never had this many players who are quality Division 1 players.

Our alltime win streak is 33 games.

I think Dayday and Uzan had pretty similar seasons.

Offensive rating:
Dayday: 98.8
Uzbek: 97.8

Dayday 26.7
Uzan 28.6

Dayday: 10.4
Uzan 9.0

Dayday: 2.4
Uzan: 3.4

Dayday: 3.3
Uzan: 4.4

Both had 2 TO a game, both shot 39% from
The field, both sucked from 3.

Literally the separation between dayday & Uzan is minimal. Uzan is a better passer but dayday a better scorer in less Minutes.

Dayday had more steals in less minutes too.

And Dayday outplayed him head to head in both games.

I’d say dayday & uzan are literally the same player. Uzan has more size. But production wise. It’s damn near the same. Dayday had a hell of season considering he made a jump from juco to the best conference in college.

Then it’s jizzle vs miller, two kids of privelage trying to make a name for themselves. I’ll take jizzle until Miller proves otherwise

He’s not coming here to be Jamal. What we need is for him to be a defensive stalwart and ball handler. Score when the opportunity presents itself and get the ball to J’Wan, Cryer and Sharp and co where they like it.

Wilson earned his stay in the rotation last season. I anticipate he will lock it down and be in the rotation and we can still be great either way.

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Milos has good size but from the clips I watched of him he isn’t very athletic and is a terrible defender but he will learn more than he ever has about the defensive culture here

I don’t get your point…

You are doing comparatives, but its not really a debate if you look at the whole picture…

Your point - dayday is a better scorer than uzan - point for dayday
Bigger picture - both are terribly inefficient scorers, scoring isn’t a selling point for either…

if his edge is scoring he doesn’t have an edge… uzan edge is actually notable which is passing,

What’s notable is that Uzan’s stats as a passer is likely to sky rocket, Javion McCollum was super ball dominant at Oklahoma and loved to drive, that ate into his assists. He will be the sole ballhandler at Houston. DayDay was the sole handler at Cincy when he was in (except the rare occasions he played with Jizzle) and still only had 3.3

You keep comping individual stats, we brought someone in to run the offense as a whole. Oklahoma’s offense was better than Cincy, it wasn’t even close against notable defenses.

for all your hating you know if you had to chose a pg to win big next year and took the safest bet, youd pick uzan, even tho you think jizzle has the highest potential


he isnt a terrible defender by any metric… i watched 7 oklahoma game like 3 weeks ago, there almost no one scoring on him 1 on1…
almost all of the points scored on him were through picks … he is not a bad defender by any means


Better be careful. Mercy is a bigger Marcus Sasser.


i disagree, sampson on our last game post game, noted we didnt have a capable pg besides jamal …
wilson only got pt becuase guys were injured…

wilson is an elite defender but he is very much in the cedrick alley bubble, where probably earned to get PT day 1, but not enough to ensure season wide minutes… his selling point is defense …the guys behind can play defense but bigger offensive potential …

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His selling point is he really stepped up when needed. He even made some big shots. I am just fine with Wilson as the backup PG and that won’t be a detractor for how good this team can be. If we have someone who can beat him out then we are even more loaded.
To this point I have no idea on Jefferson and Mercy will earn time but not sure it will be at the point.””

I would love to get you guys together in person and hear yall have it all out face to face. That would be enjoyable to experience. :grinning:. Pesik, Rw, the DA, Aldine and other selects all in the same room. That would be awesome.

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They also lost Jamal in the middle of a game with no warning and no way to prepare for that loss. Milos won’t be Shead (no one will), but he doesn’t have to be. There will be plenty of time during the summer and early fall to learn how he fits on this team. I also think our scoring options (outside of PG) will be better this year than last year.

here are some clips vs of uzans Defense in ISO vs some ofthe best iso scorers in college basketball last year

and for my guy @justinhub2003 uzan on simas with the game on the line and UC needing 3pts and 10secs to go
uzan drove him off the 3pt line. the play ended up being a foul for 2 fts, but pushing him off the 3pt line was like what won the game for Oklahoma

dont get me wrong, his isnt some elite defender… i noted he stuggled getting through picks and sometimes overhelped (giving his guy too much room)… but those are things sampson can fix in 1 offseason, and our defense of hedging screens will also help with that … there is a decent foundation there, and the starting spot in which Sampson will build from isnt “terrible”


Well imagine that…you prefer Jizzle and Daydsy lol

By the by just saw a formal announcement that we will play Alabama in the Las Vegas Tournament, scheduled for Thanksgiving weekend.

These pictures remind me of the old saying “You can’t have the will to win if you don’t have the will to train and prepare.”


Chase McCarty reminds me of Nate Hinton.

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Do you realize how good Sasser is. Mercy just has a lot of upside playing little high school kids to college basketball dosen’t even compare. Look at Arcenaux he was most likely the Lebron James every time he played at that level I still think he can be a very good player for us but he has been nothing but average.

I hope he’s better, who ever told Nate to go pro we could’ve used him.