2024 NCAA Baseball Tournament- Regionals

Public nudity isnt a crime there and you can legally by heroin, please. And thats the short list

Please provide the proof of such legislation re the heroin.

Recently reversed Why Oregon's groundbreaking drug decriminalization experiment is coming to an end : NPR

Which is news to me

You couldn’t legally buy heroin between 2020 and recently in 2024; it was just decriminalized.

As a person that posts regularly on heroin I second the comments about public nudity.

As if decriminalization of the possession of small amounts and the supposed legality of purchasing is the same.

Go figure. Distorting truth and facts. It all adds up.

What do you care if i view the state poorly run? After all i said the “short list”

No, not everything is a conspiracy to distort truth or facts, I clearly meant decriminalization. Plus did you notice how lawbert simply came in and corrected me without being rude as hell, like yourself? You couldve just corrected me while being polite.

I participated in one political post once in last 2 years, i rarely say anything on here politically. I apologize that you didnt like something i said in the past, but you can get over it. The fact that some of yal carry vendettas here is just sad.

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Like for real, you couldve just left it at this without adding a dig

We’ll just leave it at that if you aren’t able to understand or distinguish between the act of purchasing and possession of small amounts. Moving the goal posts. Be sure to never go pro se.

I missed all the mass shootings in Oregon. Congrats to Texas for winning the silver medal, 2012-2023. Texas first in C02 emissions, 3rd in industrial air pollution emissions. In 2019, 3,358 of Texas’s public water systems violated the EPA’s water quality standards, and 455 were serious violators. All of these factors have led to Texas being ranked the most polluted water in America.

That public nudity. There’s the real scourge.

Those who supposedly have vendettas are actually just those who are intolerant of ignorance and statements of such.

Oh, whose vendetta re Oregon led us down this path? It was re sports, then the “sucks” vendetta reared its head.

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So the field is set for the CWS now……



Message boards just not the same since portal and NIL.
Crackpots off on tangents now until the season starts.
Guys actually typing what vegetables their wife makes them eat, etc.

Watching these in real time w Stros bullpen giving no hope.
I’m a KY T-Shirt fan for this 1.
“Kentucky has never been to the College World Series – until now.”


ACC vs. SEC (4 on 4). The SEC has the best seeds but I’m rooting for some ACC team to pull it out. I’d prefer that it’s not FSU or UNC but they’ll do. I was in ninth grade when the Coogs lost to NC State so I’m not as invested in hating them as many Coog fans are. However, my hate for Aggy and therefore SEC runs deep. I’ll take KY over any other SEC team.

FL was a regional 3-seed and is the only regional non-1-seed still standing. They’re 13 or 16 in various RPI’s and 25 in the ISR’s. They are the closest thing to an underdog in the CWS this year. For all those reasons I’ll be pulling for them to… who the xxxx am I kidding, I don’t care.

True. But they acted like a bunch of babies against Clemson.

I will be mildly rooting for the Aggies……have a player connection and they are from the state.

Under O’Sullivan, Florida is making its 9th appearance in the CWS. He is 9-0 in super regionals. That is insane. I think the man is a Tool but he gets it done.

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we will just agree to disagree, oregon is one of my favorite states(portland, coast, mt hood, columbia river) and i’ve been to 40 states.

i’ll take any ACC over the sec. i don’t have a problem with nc state, theyre usually an acc also ran, so i’d like to see them do it.


I’ll be brief, but as a native Texan the state of Texas has no room to talk about any other state. As the saying goes, Texas is Mississippi with good roads.


I’m tired of what this thread has turned into……but talking sh-t about Texas is stupid.

“Mississippi with better roads”?

Either you have never been to Mississippi or you walk around with patches over both eyes.

There is a whole helluva a lot more that separates Texas and Mississippi other than roads.

Maybe you should move to Oklahoma.

Now BACK to BASEBALL :baseball:


Well, we do have decent cities, and that gives us a slight edge, but otherwise, it’s a push.