3 Game Mini-Plans now on sale for 2019


Of course, for only $20 more, you can get season tickets.


Or just by 3 tickets to the games individually for $30 less…Also, up to a few days ago, you could actually by single game tickets for $15

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Yep, and Season tickets were $100 up until the end of June (and are still $100 if you get in with that 713-Houston deal).

Strange pricing strategies by UH…guessing they’re hoping that people will just buy season tickets once they realize the difference, but I’m not sure offering Mini-Plans for more than what season tickets were 3 weeks ago, and more than individual single-game tickets is the way to go.

Then again, the baseball FLEX20 discrepancies may point to a lack of forethought within the department in regards to these mini-plans. Tickets at Schroeder Park are $5, but the FLEX20 mini-plan has you paying $6+ for each ticket.

Math is hard.


I jumped on the web site and selected a 3 game mini plan just to see what was going on with price and locations. Only seats that were available for selection in the mini plan were bleacher. System gave me section 115 with the total cost for 2 tickets came to $353 ($165 per ticket plus fees). So I checked season tickets in 115 and total cost for 6 games came to $700. $200 per ticket + $150 per seat Cougar Pride donation (+ fees). Looks like they are passing on (hiding) a CP donation in the seat cost for the mini plan. Maybe they should just say mini plans are half the price of season tickets, excluding WSU game.

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