#3 Oregon goes down

Utah rolls 38-7. Looking at their stadium and environment, hard to imagine they were a G5 school 10 years ago


Oregon never should have been that high. I’d put them between 15 and 20.


Cristobal is a great recruiter but very underwhelming coach.

Even before tonight the Massey Composite only had them at #13. The committee was majorly over ranking them. Glad they got exposed.


So this is good for Cincy right? I am not saying they will win the AAC Championship but, if they happen to win the AAC, I am hoping they get a CFP spot. It’s a long shot but these top teams losing cannot hurt.

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Yes this was a great result for Cincy. Pac 12 has been eliminated from playoff discussion yet again.


It should hurt OSU, but of course it won’t especially since Bama lost to a team that’s 8-3


Donald Duck BITES THE DUST … breaks my heart … where’s my box of Kleenex …

I did like UU tribute to Veterans Day on their helmets with the the USS Salt Lake City and the cruiser firing salvos … it was one of the few cruisers to last WWII and one of the few to fire on the Japanese at Guadalcanal … our own cruiser USS Houston had all Houstonians but was lost in the battle of the Java Sea … but the survivors became famous … they were part of the POWs who built that RR over the rivier Kwai …


Oregon losing to Utah should hurt Ohio St like Texas Tech losing to however many they’ve lost to should hurt us. We’re not the team we were in week 1 and neither is Ohio St.

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They were eager to put Oregon over Cinci that’s why!


Really? There used to be a USS Houston? That’s awesome as heck! And what’s that RR stands for?

Railroad … the crew for the USS Houston volunteered in front of the ole Loews theatre on Main Street downtown or it could have been the old Foleys bldg …

Didn’t anyone see the famous movie The Bridge on the River Kwai (won best picture in late '50s)… a fictional account of British POWs lead by ObiWan Kenobi (Alec Guinness as the British general) building the railroad and bridge over the River Kwai in SE Asia … actually the POWs were made up of Americans British Australian … the surviving Houston crew were part of them …


Wouldn’t surprise me if Cincy gets jumped.

Doesn’t matter… We’re going to beat the brakes off Cincy anyway.

Go Coogs!


Everyone and the kitchen sink will be picking Cincy to win the AAC …EVERY SINGLE sports writer and announcer states it as if it has already happened …

NO ONE has respected the coogs ALL YEAR except recently the coaches poll … as I stated elsewhere …

The pressure will be on the Bearkats once they get that slot on the CFP … the pressure seems to be affecting both Bama and probably OhioSt when they play Michigan … it affected the quackers from Oregon last night … their consolation will be the Rose Bowl so boo hoo save your Kleenex crying over them

It won’t affect our coogs because NO ONE is respecting us … we’ve already lost in everyones eyes … so it won’t matter whether the game is at TDECU or Cincy …


It stands for railroad Think Bridge Over the River Kwai.

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USS Houston


I disagree with the perspective on pressure. Utah was favored in the game for a reason, and people have been pointing out Bama’s flaws all year.

Will the pressure come, sure… But playoff pressure isn’t Bama’s issue and it wasn’t Oregon’s.

From that perspective, the Coogs will be feeling as much pressure to validate themselves as Cincy would feel about trying to make the playoffs.

But, in the end, all coaches tell their kids the exact same thing… Control what you can control. The game is in front of them.

I think you’ll see individual players react differently, as all human beings do, every game, but there isn’t going to be a thing where the whole Cincy football team cracks under playoff pressure.

That said, if they win, congrats, put them in the playoff where they belong. But, if we win, know that the plan works, we have the talent to execute, and we’re coming for ours from now on.

Go Coogs.


I respectfully disagree … if Bama and Oregon had flaws then placing them in the CFP slots was a mistake … UGa seems to be the only CFP slot holder without any problems except the first quarter for them then it opens up like Niagra Falls …

When we go to eight and twelve CFP slots someday all this will pass but until then … unless you have an “S” unis below your dress shirt then they will coming after your spot for all sides and then some

I did not watch the game, but in the highlights OSU looked like an NFL team.