$500 mil vision for 3rd ward

What do y’all think.

Guessing it might be good bc they are tearing down some housing projects then making single homes for rent or buy.

Who’s going to pay for this? Tax payers or private investors?

3rd Ward needs the investment and its a good sign that many of the local residents support this.

That said, how is this funded and what do they define as “affordable”?

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Nothing close to the rail lines?

Politics have ruined our cities.

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Well it seems they are investing in the 3rd ward with individual new houses so guessing it’s good.

Yeah I understand there’s a big fight for third ward right now, but not sure how you convince private investors to invest without getting big returns

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I agree with SJL’s husband. Possibly a good idea if implemented correctly but where’s the $$$?

Elwyn Lee, vice president for community relations at the University of Houston, said his optimism was tempered by caution. While he felt the plan, if implemented correctly, would have a positive impact on Third Ward, he wondered where the money would come from and what would happen if those funds didn’t materialize. HUD’s implementation grants for the Choice Neighborhood Initiative, which is being used to redevelop Cuney Homes, have typically been only $50 million — one-tenth of the funds this Cuney Homes draft plan is projected to cost.

I know that for certain development agreements in COH, “affordable housing” is anything below the median sales price for the City. Last number I saw was median home price in Houston is $330,000.

Also… This happened today. Not sure what to think about this. Setting minimum lot sizes good. Not into architectural design committees.

And I agree with Kubosh and Knox that there should be a one year opt out period for property owners, especially if only 51% of residents approve the plan.