A New Disturbance in the Force

60% of the time he’s wrong, every time. :joy:

I agree — I went to the St. Louis Fed’s FRED database and made a CPI graph with their data.

I configured the graph to have the CPI index at 100 in April '20, the end of the COVID recession (shaded area).

It’s at 120.6 in Dec '23 (FRED’s latest data). That’s 20.6% cumulative inflation.

Friday’s report shows the rate of inflation may be slowing but prices are still +20% from four years ago and that’s hurting a lot of people.

And here is McDonald’s in CT this AM


Because it’s really good …

  1. Unemployment is outstanding
  2. Markets at all time high.
  3. Wage growth is in right direction after the 2017-2020 period
  1. Inflation is nearing Fed targets.

Is Everything in every sector roses?

Of course not; never is. CRE is adjusting to new remote working.
Evictions is troubling, but rents are bottoming out.

Year-over-year rent growth has bottomed out but remains in negative territory at -1 percent, meaning that on average, apartments across the country are slightly cheaper today than they were one year ago.

Now the adoption of AI could really rock the world. But my crystal ball doesn’t tell me if the
mega impact is months or years away.

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You measure the “real” economy this way.
What could you buy with $100.
Today you get $70 worth of that same $100.
Simple enough for you to understand?
This is the real economy metric. Public opinion polls do not lie.

No, that’s not the main metric used to measure the economy. GDP growth is. If we measured the economy solely like you state, we’d never grow it. That would be a disaster.

But your metric isn’t right anyway. It’s another made up stat. You’d have to go back like 10 years for your stat to be right.

Not to mention you bash public opinion polls all the time. Now they don’t lie? :joy:


Well that seems more made up than usual.


Funny thing is he was saying unemployment was the main metric not that long ago.


Made up stat? Highest inflation in 40 years. 10 years back to be right?

Yes, your stat is made up. Don’t just ramble on. Support what you said.

Tell us about inflation rate in the last 40 years and what do you see?

You’re not supporting your made up stat. You’re doing what you always do. Same thing you did in the other thread.

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Here you go buddy boy:

Yeah, inflation rates don’t prove your point. In fact, they disprove it.

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Inflation by the last numbers are going back up…ain’t working too good.

We were talking about your stat. Why can’t you focus there?

Read National average polls about how people feel about the economy. If the economy was so good there will be no possibilities for these numbers.

You’re still dodging. Why?

And again, you bash polls all the time. Until you like what they say.


Back to the original topic of this thread :thread:
Risks in China


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China is looking like 1929

China tightens stock market rules after sell-off (bbc.com)

They have lost 6 trillion (that is trillion with a T).

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Let’s hope they lose a lot more. The dictatorship of China does not have a free economy. The dictatorship has the final say including economic measures.