Applewhite going nowhere

Statement from AD Pezman:

Fine but good luck with season tickets sells next year.


AD’s statement was ambiguous at best. Not a glowing endorsement of Applewhite.


retain what staff exactly?

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Yeah, this hardly says Major is back next year.


I thought it was very ambiguous as well.


We tried to pay Briles, he left. That’s all I see there.


Yeah, on second look it’s not really a ringing endorsement or statement that he will definitely be back. We’ll see.

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Statement to calm waters while buying time to evaluate options.


If anything, that shows he wouldn’t stand strong behind him not being fired. He could have easily directly said that Applewhite is the coach going forward.

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Only option is to fire Applesauce let’s move on

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I read it as nothing is decided at this point. Either that or they don’t want to tell us yet.

Kind of like both Briles’ statement to UH of being fully committed to UH as they were out the door the next minute.

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That would have been the kiss of death. As soon as an AD says this is our coach for next year, he gone.

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No, that’s not the only option. As I said earlier fans act on emotion; administrators can’t do that. That doesn’t mean that there may not be cause to fire Applewhite, but you don’t do it at this point without a plan. We have to know we could hire a Littrell, Brown, Fritz, Kingsbury, or someone similar. It’s not a given that we could.

Pez said we were committed to the football program.

He didn’t say we were committed to Major.

I think if the right candidate presents himself (come on down Seth Littrell), we’re going to make a move.


It’d be nice of Tilman could buy out Applewhite’s contract.

Perfect time to hire a new staff with kendal Briles leaving the program. Major now has to hire two coordinators and I cant imagine someone good wanting to take over these positions at this point.


Right. This is sensational reporting. Decisions like this don’t go straight to press 3 hours after a game. Lots of paperwork has to be shuffled first

Today was a game changer. Prior to Army, issues were who would coordinators be. Today’s performance reflected lack of leadership and motivation. If those qualities are missing from the HC, why let him hire another set of coordinators?