Aresco mad at P5/G5 labels

This is why it’s important to do well in B12 and elevate them. If we go there and be mediocre or we become leeches then the conference status will go down and when it comes to renewing contract for more money we won’t bring anything, and they’ll say why were we even added they should’ve stayed in the AAC.

The guy is right there’s biased and we can’t be in that biased anymore. We can’t afford it. College sports are becoming for the few and not the many

One of the things I like about the Big 12 vs the Pac-12 is that the Big 12 is hungry while the Pac-12… doesn’t. Almost every Big 12 program has announced facility improvements and are working on NIL collectives to stay competitive. Maybe I’ve missed it but I’ve heard almost nothing of the former and a lot less of the latter from Pac-12 programs.

Ironically the only Pac 12 program I’ve heard of spending big is Cal, the school deemed most likely to drop football in the future. They went in the hole over 400 million dollars on their stadium after having to update it to earthquake code and then adding an IPF

Which btw is why the idea of Cal dropping football is crazy

Because athletics facilities in the pac 12, and around the county, are learning from cal Berkeley’s facilities improvement that has them under enormous debt. I hope UH learns from Berkeley and louisville and doesn’t break ground on any improvements until the Benjamin’s actually start rolling in.

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Aresco is a joke.

Captain of the Titanic.


I totally get what you’re saying but we did a lot of that sort of thing just to get where we are. And if we hadn’t done them, we’d more likely be where Memphis is.

I’m not sure how we get off this treadmill without ending up in a conference with Sam Houston State.

Which btw is why the idea of Cal dropping football is crazy

Totally agree. People often mention them along side Stanford but I think they’re in a different situation.



Basically what we ended up with.

So the G5 schools will have opportunities to prove their mettle.

I don’t really see the remaining G5 schools being competitive, mainly because the beta ones have all been scooped up by P5 conferences.

I mean, in theory USF, with the right leadership, could make noise, as could SMU. Boise? I don’t know, I kind of feel like the bloom is off the rose there. However, the rest? I don’t see it.

I think G5 having annual access to the playoffs will do a lot to keep them relevant and help new G5 schools step in to replace the ones that left just as AAC programs replaced Utah and TCU. Memphis will likely make the playoffs before we do.

Down the line they could reduce the number of autobids to freeze them (or everybody but the top 2-4 conferences) out, but that gets unwanted attention from senators. A big part of why the BCS Split-Off a lot of people predicted never happened.

Fair points and I generally agree. I just think that outside of the few schools I mentioned (I will admit I forgot Memphis) not sure which current G5 could beat a P5. Now, who knows what will happen in a 10 years? Also, the other thing we always have to remember is that if a G5 school is consistently good for a long period of time, its likely they get scooped up into a P5 (i.e., UH, Cincinnati, UCF, BYU, with SDSU and SMU soon likely to join them).

I just think that outside of the few schools I mentioned not sure which current G5 could beat a P5.
Since other G5 beat P5 on a regular basis, I assume you mean a playoff-caliber P5" here? Though in both cases, Tulane basically came out of nowhere and did it last year… though you do run into “Would USC have tried harder in a playoff than an NY6 Bowl?” and the answer there is a definite maybe.

if a G5 school is consistently good for a long period of time, its likely they get scooped up into a P5

Yeah^, though then they get replaced.

^ - Terms and conditions apply. Void where prohibited. Offer not valid if you are Boise State.

Acting up again.

To those who dont know, McMurphy is an Oklahoma State alum, one of the reasons why he has so many sources on Big 12 news.

I think the 12 team playoff will help even things out even for g5 bc they now have a shot which is fair. The power 5 label could go away tomorrow but at the end of the day it’s who your associated with in a conference and the money it generates. We could actually survive and thrive in the playoff 12 team format minus the money but I’d rather be us now with the more money bc we can keep coaches etc more easily now than in the aac.

Aresco? Who is that? Ya mean that guy who was doing nothing and cashing checks?

Literally doing nothing.

Compared to BY the guy is just complaining and doing nothing about it

mcmurphy has been a very public anti-aac analyst for like 7 years now…

i believe this is where it originated from :
he was one of the biggest pushers for the g5 playoff and wrote a ton of articles of how it could work, talked to a bunch of coaches and AD as to why it was a great ideas and got quotes from them supporting it (mostly sunbelt/Mac coaches) when the idea first originated
a TON of aac fans (including UH fans) absolutely slammed the idea and him… told him to stop grouping us with the other g5. that we would never relegate ourselves to 2nd class citizens…and that we can 100% compete with the p5

McMurphy has hated the aac ever since, and makes countless post trying to knock us down and “put us in our place”… its been really benefical for the aac that his influence has drastically decreased over the years. at one point he was the WOJ of college football, irrelevant now


Lol, McMurphy uses the label “Power 5” 15 times in his new article. I think he’s purposely trolling Aresco.


I think he is after reading that piece. :joy::joy::joy:

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I actually liked Aresco. It was good having a commissioner at least try to stick up for his conference as opposed to being in cusa. We benefitted greatly from that league and elevated ourselves to a level we wouldn’t have, had we continued to be in cusa.