Arkansas not even after Sampson


Several posters on the Arkansas board saying they have heard that Sampson turned them down they are now targeting Chris Jans.


What if Arkansas never did court Sampson though? What if they have been after someone like Mark Few? Why is there such a need for some to accept only bad news when it’s from people that don’t normally cover Houston and their sources are also unnamed? What is more likely, some random op ed journalist wanted to make a story and everyone ran with it or that Berman is tweeting news from sources we can’t trust?

Especially when you add in that Kellen tweeted Saturday they weren’t going anywhere. Is it really that hard to be an optimist once in a while?


Do you have this tweet? I didn’t see if and I would have thought something like that would get more run.


Hogsc are getting really antsy on their boards. One of their board insiders, is saying Sampson turned them down. And Jan’s and NMSU is the new target. Some think it’s a smokescreen, others are freaking out. But those natives are as restless as we are about it now.

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If they want Jans I’m sure they will get him. His salary is $270k with $159k incentives.


Kellen … fixed it

Jan’s was banished for his antics at Bowling Green that stalled his rise. He was a big up and comer, then video of him getting a bit grabby with women got him fired and sent to the desert.

I didn’t see that from Kellen either, but that makes more sense than Kelvin tweeting it.


In that case I would say Jans is a No No for the Hogs. He would go to them with some serious baggage.

But they have shown in the past that they like coaches who are a bit frisky.


I think he stays, but Kellen must have deleted it, because I don’t see it after just checking!

Someone on another thread said they saw him tweet it. I’d rather assume that Kellen tweeted it and Kelvin or his agent asked him to delete it than believe someone would make up seeing that tweet. Again me being the optimist though.

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Maybe you dreamed about him tweeting that. Sometimes we get reality mixed up with the dream world. A Matrix moment. :smile:


I was finding it really hard to believe so many players were thoroughly convinced he was staying if it weren’t true. Berman and Duarte are certainly making me feel a little more secure though.


I can officially confirm the title of this thread is true. Arkansas starts with A and Sampson starts with S.


so, all smokes for distraction before our big game?

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I’m just posting this because it gave me a good laugh. Should we trust Berman, or some random guy with 18 Twitter followers? LOL


Kellen did retweet one of the player interviews that was just about CKS staying. He might have taken it down but it was there. I think it was the Armoni outside one. Armoni has said twice CKS is staying with plenty of conviction and on separate days.

And if there is one young man on our squad that doesn’t talk just to talk, it’s Armoni.