B12 opponents 2024-2027

UH Conference Opponents 2024-2027

Home: Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas State, Utah
Away: Arizona, BYU, Cincinnati, Kansas, TCU

Home: Arizona, Colorado, TCU, Texas Tech, West Virginia
Away: Arizona State, Baylor, Oklahoma State, UCF

Home: Baylor, Cincinnati, Oklahoma State, UCF
Away: Colorado, Kansas State, Texas Tech, Utah, West Virginia

Home: Arizona State, BYU, Colorado, Kansas, Texas Tech
Away: Arizona, Cincinnati, Iowa State, TCU


Realignment sucks. We should be playing all 3 Texas schools every year.

no thanks, i’ll take cinci, utah, ariz state, colorado and WV; better road trips; its been 20 years plus since bu, tcu or tech was a real rival


What a dumb statement…Its been more than 20 years since we were in the same conference with them!!! They, along with Okie state, are our natural rivals and will be again, once we start playing them most every year. NO one cares about Cincy or WVU, Colorado or Utah…why should we?? Theres no connection…Our natural rivals are in the southwest, in Texas and Oklahoma. Another reason why current expansion is stupid and creates more problems than it solves.

2025 is :fire:

So you’re saying those games don’t make sense… :grimacing:

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i cede that the texas colleges may be more beneficial to each other than having those come in from the 4 corners but for the conference the outta staters are going to have to be a big deal if the big12 wants to continue being a bigtime conference.
and i do agree current expansion is stupid and has created more problems, but college football is in a period where its in transition and all about the money. until that resolves its going to be stupid. cabt wait to hear how much all of usc and ucla sports teams enjoy flying from la to new jersey and back.

I have never considered BU or TCU a rival and TT only somewhat of a rival. We have changed conferences so much, we really haven’t had much of a rival, but I did consider SMU a big rival in the AAC.



Our only true rival is Arroz, especially after this year.

I have not liked SMU since the James era.

We have some awesome future road games!


I feel like Arizona or byu are as much of a rival as Oklahoma state or tech or Baylor. I also don’t consider anyone from the old Missouri valley conference a rival either. Swc was 28 years ago and is being good was 33 years ago. 1991 rivalries are as important now as 1958 rivalries were in 1991. Were the fans upset that Saint Louis did t play us in football anymore in 1991?

Rivalries grow. They are not manufactured.

Sit back watch for a few years and see what comes out. There are a lot of good games on the future schedules and the Big 12 looks to have a nice balance of teams that can rise up.


Interesting that we get WVU at home again the next time we play.