Baton Rouge Regional

Solid showing from the men’s team on Day 1 of the NCAA Regionals:


Very nice start, especial by Wolfgang. Keep it going!


Jiminy…not the way to start. Neither one of our golf teams seem to know how to handle success. A long way to go, but couldn’t have had a worse start today. Especially Wolfgang. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Yeah, that’s a rough go. need to tighten up the last few today, and come out firing tomorrow

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Much better golf the last few holes, holding steady. Back in the hunt for a top 5 finish.

Within 2 strokes of 5th. They can do this.

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Is the top five the threshold?

Yes….5 teams from each of the 6 regionals.

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Good teams doing what good teams do….going low on the last day. Coogs are trying, but going to be rough to play catch up at this point with the way the leaders are playing. Still hope tho!

Reily bogies 18 to put us back one stroke of 5th so now Santiago has to birdie 18 to force a playoff.

Bogey by Santiago ends the team season. I believe top 5 individual finishes by players from teams not advancing will move on to the Championship as an individual player. Santiago finished 4th out of that group so he should be advancing.


Yup….2 bogeys on 18. Tough way to go out.

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Can’t blame the two bogeys on the last, but man, what could have been.

Next year.

The killer was the +6 individual score we had to use yesterday as part of our team score. The team score of 296 yesterday was the worst single day team score out of the top 7 teams over the three days of competition.

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Wasn’t throwing blame, just trying to point out how close they were. That’s why I posted their complete card, to show what they did to get us that much closer today.