Bear with is... site glitches

Hey guys, thanks so much. We have so many who have joined and come over on the first day. Bear with us as there are many tiny glitches and we will continue to iron them out. As with anything new there will be glitches.

Just let us know if you have any problems. Best place is the Site Feedback forum. here:

Just consider us Beta Testers IT, lol!

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luv this format…looks great…scout sux
that is all

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Great to be aboard and congrats for continuing the tradition. You know I’ve been a long time supporter.
Kudos and thanks for moving forward with this.

Glad the Ritz is still up there.

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why am i unable to opt out of being notified of every post? jeez. fix that

It’s a bug. We are working on the email glitch. We will turn it off for you.

Site looks good.

(formerly known as HotelCNY)

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Raymond, please deselect the email notifications for me as well. Thanks.

I like the new site, it will take some getting used to, but coogfans is like family and I’ve met a lot of good guys here over the years.

“Bear With Us” would be an appropriate name for a Baylor fans’ website.

Definitely approve of the uncluttered look. Great look! :trophy: :wink:

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Really like what you are doing to this site. Big improvement

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Site looks good ray

I figured this site would have palm trees…

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