Bill King Series on City of Houston's Money Woes

Bill knows Houston’s finances well & I think this will be an interesting read

Snip — As I explained in a post last year, based on lane miles of City streets and the average life of pavement, the City should be resurfacing about 400 lane miles each year. But according to the annual audits, the last time the City resurfaced 400 lane miles was in 2004. For the last decade, the average has been about 150 lane miles. The same trend is true across a wide range of City services. We have fewer police officers and firefighters than we did twenty years ago. Response times are at all-time highs. Water lines breaks are ubiquitous.

This is interesting as I have wondered about the road repairs before. I will have to checkout his posts.

I predict a police shortage in 10-15 years that’s going to be damn well crisis-level bad once all the remaining baby boomers and late millennials retire

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You skipped a generation. I think you can accelerate that prediction though, check news for statements the Louisiana Governor. Just fyi, not trying to be political.

My bad gen x

I always get those two flipped

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Millennials retiring in 10-15 years, man thats a good one

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Part 2