Bobblehead Oops - Pertitta Center

Just got the Phi Slama Jama Cougar bobblehead I ordered a couple months back. It looks as pictured but the little court he is standing on says “Pertitta Center”. I can’t imagine that was the school approved art.

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Sounds like a production issue.

I think that makes it more collectible…there may only be a few then corrected…

Or maybe there are only a few that are not wrong.

I don’t know if there is a market for a flawed UH Cougar bobblehead. Now, if it said Hofheinz Pavillion - maybe.

Guy V. Louis Court

Better then farttita center.


I’d pay extra for that typo!!


Just received mine and it has the same issue.

Other then that, It is a nice bobble head,

I would imagine the entire run had that flaw.

Just contacted Bobbleboss and the entire run is bad. They said it was approved by the school,

Pics anyone? I would imagine a P becomes an F pretty easy with some paint!

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Here you go …

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Oh that’s a big mistake. You’re gonna need some good paint

It is on the back. I wouldn’t have noticed it if it wasn’t for this thread. Not a big deal.

I don’t care who approved it. Did they say what they are doing about it?

When I called, they refunded my money.

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If they spelled it different, they could have said it was somewhat of a pun. Lol

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Should have been Purrtita Center


Did they pay for return shipping or are you on the hook for that?

I’ve got one and haven’t decided what to do with it.