Bowlsby tears are the tastiest

Chumps. Have a real conference.


He can go ask the decision makers in his conference: “What was the real reason you’ll decided not to expand after stating (Boren) you wanted to bring in the most competitive teams?”

With a real conference championship game… their set up next year is moronic and they are getting what they deserve!!! Made my day!

I saw the CFP chairman on ESPN earlier, he basically said that defense was why OU didn’t make it in.

He is using two arguments that contradict themselves. First he comments on Ohio State not being a conference champion, then he comments on Washington not having a good enough OOC schedule. So reverse those now, Washington was a conference champion and Ohio State beat Oklahoma OOC.

Washington had a weak OOC schedule but beating Rutgers, Idaho and Portland state is certainly better than beating only Louisiana Monroe isn’t it? If OU beat UH but still had a lost to Ohio State, they would probably be in.

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Bowlsby blew it. As League commissioner he was supposed to lead the presidents to the correct decision not be a me too person. When the current contract expires Texas will go wherever it wants and Oklahoma will be begging for a SEC or Pac invite. The rest will be lucky to get a contract worth 2 to 3 million per team. Unless Texas or Oklahoma go undefeated the B12 will not be in the playoffs.

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Just keep scheduling Rice (UT) and building up that win-loss record! That will get you to the CFP.

Or beat USC and then lose at TCU and Iowa State.

The cowardly 10 asking for clarity, given the expansion charade, and Rape U, is beyond asinine.

Yeah, feels pretty lousy to be left out, don’t it big12. You’re a dead league walking and you brought this on yourselves.

Shared this on Twitter:

@UHCougarFB Big 12 commish wants answer for OSU in CFP…. Poor Bob. It seems that he cannot rely on what he was told.

Followed by:

@UHCougarFB @Big12Conference Oh Bob Oh Bob. How does one ever plan for the future when all you get are duplicitous and misleading messages?

That was fun. @UHFan79


These bags of fleas deserve more fleas. bowlsby can ask all he wants for an explanation. The answer has three letters. Better knows as uta.

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