Breakdown After 2 Games

So here we sit after two weeks of insane, mind-boggling multi overtime football from our beloved Coogs. I feel like we’re getting 15 weeks of Cougar football for the season with all the extra play. It could be worse! We could be a fanbase of any other team in Div I right now and not have as much football to watch. Right, guys? Am I right? Maybe?

If you look at the overall landscape of this forum the last two days, one would think we lost to a Sun Belt school at home. It’s as if Uranus, the God of the Sky, chicken littled us after losing on the road to a Big 12 opponent as a 4 point dog. Not only was the panic button pushed, but some of you jammed it into the housing and our level headed Coog fans have been trying to pop the button back out before we have a Chernobyl level meltdown.

And I know what you are thinking, “But Section102, it’s the way we lost is what makes me so upset!” I know. I get it. We didn’t close it out like we should have and all the penalties and mistakes. We played like crap. Tune was inaccurate, we couldn’t run the ball, our secondary tackled each other, and The Penalties!!! You look at our roster, our talent, our staff, and we’re sitting on seasons 1-8 of Game of Thrones. We all know how awesome seasons 1-7 are, but somehow we keep watching season 8 with this team. It sucks, because we all know it could be so much better.

I’m optimistic though and I’ll tell you why.

  1. Penalties. I have a hard time believing we’ll sustain an average of 11.5 a game. We will regress to the mean.

  2. Tank Dell is Marcus Jones lite. Our special teams will win us some games this year.

  3. Our defensive line is better than advertised.

  4. Our secondary played A LOT better in week 2.

  5. We had to come back from double digit deficits in both games and we did. The team knows what it takes to play from behind. They’ve endured two very high intensity situations and almost pulled it off both times.

  6. I don’t think CDH and CDB can do any worse in the discipline department with these young men. They will clean it up.

  7. The running game will get better.

  8. Tech looks like a good team this year. They could surprise and finish near the top of the Big XII this season. Their d-line is legit. Give them credit.

So what do you say we calm down and look at this thing holistically. We have a really good team. BTHO Kansas!


This right here. I know CDH said the OL needs to play better and I agree, but they have some really good athletes over there. I read multiple posts about how good their DL is. Then we struggled blocking them and it’s because our OL sucks and coaches need to be fired? I know this is crazy talk, but sometimes…just sometimes…the guy in the other uniform beats you because he is better. Could play calling be better? I don’t know. The only play call I question was the 4th and 20 call. Sometimes you call the right play and the player doesn’t execute (runs wrong route, drops pass, or the other guy out executes you). That doesn’t mean it wasn’t the right play. Let me ask the board a question, when TT’s offense wasn’t clicking, was it because of poor play calling or we were just whipping them?

On a side note, the 2 game analysis that are the laziest and probably most ill-informed are coach didn’t have them prepared (heard that in UTSA), and the play calling sucked (every game since the beginning of time).


There is a fine line between playing all out at warp speed and a little out of control. I believe they will settle down. Only the players and coaches really know. It was a great game even though we lost.


I hate giving a game away and that is how I feel after the Tech game. We gave them so many chances to win that game. That being said, I feel pretty good about the season and playing and maybe even winning our conference.


#19 on defense needs to step it up.

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I’ll defend this one. What’s the argument that CDH did have them prepared? Constant penalties, missed assignments, and dropped balls are all sure signs of underpreparation, and this is the fourth season in a row that we’ve seen those issues – to a more substantial degree than our opponents – to start the season under Dana. Why is it that the Coogs always need time to gel, but our opponents never do?


Tech made mistakes, too. Their QB looked like he wasn’t ready to run their offense the first quarter.
They dropped catchable balls. Twice I recall two receivers trying to run the same route.
A lot of high ranked teams got beaten. Its hard to have 83 kids functioning with precision at the beginning of the season


That’s the same exact copium that people were huffing last year after we lost to a mediocre tech team.


The Tech receiver dropped a sure TD in the endzone in the second half. There were breakdowns on both ends. We just pay more attention to our team.


I may be in the minority, but Tech didn’t look that good to me. I’ll be surprised if they are over 500 in the Big-12


I don’t believe Tech is very good either. We literally beat ourselves on Saturday.

Bright spots I saw was Campbell, Manjack, and of course Parish. Imagine the terror he could cause with two good hands.


We better be ready for Kansas-they beat a good W.VA. team Saturday. At least we’re not ND or A&M-they lost to no names/

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I think they have some good athletes, but they’re a pretty mediocre P5 team. Given their schedule I doubt they’ll make a bowl.


We absolutely beat ourselves. Especially in the first half. Defense held them to 3 and out twice in a row and we gave them the first down b/c of some dumb penalty. TD called back to a dumb penalty. Our Oline guy knocks the ball out of our running backs hands and causes a turnover. All of these gave Tech the ball back and none was because they did something spectacular on defense. Then there was all that 4th quarter and OT stuff. I am encouraged because I can’t believe we almost won that game with everything that went wrong.


Yeah, I see Tech as a 5-7 or 6-6 type of team this year


Did any of you “expect 13-0?
If not what games were we supposed to lose?

I never expect an undefeated season for our Coogs because of our penchant to “Coog It”. It is what it is …


I whole heartedly disagree about Tech being less than mediocre. Their d-line will keep them in games and that offense is new to that personnel.

They have to gel way more than we do as a team. They just played their second game with a new offense and new defense against a ranked opponent…and won.

They get Texas, Baylor, and OU in Lubbock this year. They will upset someone and will be playing in a bowl. I seriously see them going 7-5/8-4 this season.


I initially thought they would probably win 6, but looking at their schedule that would be a tough road to hoe. They play at UNC next week, then play Texas, then go to Kansas State followed by Oklahoma State. That’s very likely four losses. They could beat WVU in Lubbock after that but then they play Baylor and travel to TCU. They’ll probably then beat Kansas at Tech but then they go to Iowa State and get OU. I’m thinking 4-8 or 5-7.

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What does that say about us if they go 4-8, not much, their fan base looks down on us like we are stepchildren, they have dominated us winning what 10 out of last 11, they already want us kicked out of the big 12