Briles found innocent if negligence in 2014 Assault case

Dont care. Still dont want him here. He already betrayed UH and the stigma around him won’t go away regardless what the court says.


Yep, that’s what happens in today’s court of public opinion fostered by social media. Nobody waits for facts. Crucify, and worry about any apologies…well, never.


Art channeling his inner Billy Bob Thornton look


The buck stops somewhere else. Sure the head coach had no odea

Everyone deserves a 2nd chance…

You know you don’t have to break the law to be unhireable, right?


Next Head Coach for the fightin’ Texas Aggies!

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Per the article below Briles testified that:

  • He was unaware of Title IX when he was hired at Baylor
  • He did not receive Title IX training until 2014
  • He was never informed by the staffers who allegedly had knowledge of assault allegations against Chafin before a lawsuit was filed
  • He was unaware Chafin was arrested on DUI chrarges in Wichita Falls, Texas, in 2012

Was he kidding about the first and second point? Title IX is from 1972. So, his defense was he wasn’t aware, this century, that sexual discrimination was against the rules? Ah, yea, he’ll remain unhireable for a while.


By saying he was unaware of Title IX when being hired at Baylor implies that UH and Texas Tech never informed him either when he was coaching there.

LOOOOOOOOOOOL way to ignite the ashes of the bridges he burnt.


Here comes probation for UH. Someone has to answer for this.


I’m still a solid no on Briles, Baby Briles, and Lebby. Let some other university put wins ahead of integrity.

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No complaining then as you deserve a guy like Dana Holgorsen.

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Art Briles at UH would win a NC. But we are too skerred and holier than thou.


Would he? He won one conference championship in five years here. I don’t think he won a bowl (going by memory–could be wrong)…

I vote for Art Briles with great enthusiasm.


You realize he was hired when we were on life support right? CUSA vs Big 12. I want to win.

I do. But to go from that to the conclusion that we’d win a national championship with him is too big of a stretch.

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Our program was in the cellar. We had no budget and we’re in cusa. He recruited QB Kevin Kolb, Case keenum, and RBG III give me back my chicken. They guy knows how to win and win big.
He runs an innovative offense.

I am all in for Art.


Briles is as good as an offensive mind as there is. Still don’t want him back, let him go someplace else.