CDH on Doug Gottlieb

Pretty good listen. Not a lot of new info but a good glimpse into CDH’s personality. My favorite part is about 1:48. If hearing that doesn’t sell you on Holgorsen, I don’t know what will lol.


The guy WANTS to be here. You can just hear it in his voice. I mean I know we are paying him 20 mil lol, but why would he leave WVU for less? He’s a stellar coach, and all you guys who think him as an 8-5 coach makes him a bad hire need to evaluate the differences between Texas, more specifically the city of Houston, and West Virginia. He’ll get the recruits, and he will get the wins. Very happy he is our coach.

Go Coogs


Interesting to hear his thoughts on the bowl system. He didn’t come right out and say it, but you can infer from his comments that the bowls are nearly meaningless from a W/L perspective. He mentioned it was a great time to get additional practice and develop players, and they had fun. But all the emphasis is on the four CFP spots. He mentioned that change is coming, he doesn’t have any insight, but he did wonder about the future of the bowl system.

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Yes, you said it. I think we have like long term, successful football coach. We are now set for coaching in Football, Basketball, Baseball, Swimming, and Track. Did I miss anyone???