Climate for thee but not for me

Agree with that. She was a pretty terrible candidate.

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China “supporters”? You mean like abortion “supporters”?

Why can’t people let others speak for themselves?

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The reason most haven’t responded is because 1) the general premise of the thread is stupid and 2) it’s useless to even attempt to have a discussion with someone who won’t listen to evidence, logic or reason.


Usually the same people

What’s a China supporter? Can you define it?

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Writing about Palin


You are trying to fircefeeding us climate change. I give you climate change heroes that keep preaching to us about climate change. These same climate change heroes are one of the worst polluters on the planet. Yes iinventedtheinternetgore is one of the worst polluters.
They are what the webster dictionary defines what an hypocrite is.


Yes, lots of celebrities are hypocrites, on a lot of things.

There are all kinds of issues I have with China. I am not a “China supporter”.

I wish we had more manufacturing back in the US but the reality is the average American wants cheap
US made is not cheap thus making China a necessary evil we have grown dependent on.

Yes hollywood is full of two faced liars. That’s the core of their industry isn’t it, pretending to be someone they aren’t, I believe its called acting? Anyway the reason you’re hating on these hollywood types is because they are also mostly left wing nuts, that’s what the right media portrays them. All that said, as CV1 always posts, don’t blame the messenger because the message is unpleasant.

Screams about ‘Hollywood elites’ & hypocrites then blindly supports Trump.

It’s irony on steroids and crack at the same time.


Not a fan of celebrities or China in any regard. Trump has about 100% of his schmucky gimmicky crap made there.

Looks like the dems got right in China’s kitchen via Taiwan just as the Trump admin did.

The climate movement is for transformative, systemic change, a dictum of progress in this case to regain and restore the abuses, degradation and descration brought on by the industrial age and the players that promote it without remorse or willingness to change, to recognize science snd to use it to transform society and restore the natural world to what degree possible without further degradation.

The task is monstrous, but individuals en masse dedicated to living in caves won’t be able to affect change, in this case leaving it to those who are mindless and cold-hearted in the reality and calling now on our doorstep. They prefer to just be cogs in the machine, proceeding with the same “power” and “wealth” that affords them a certain lifestyle without concern or sacrifice but “honoring” God’s creation while furthering the destruction. Hey genius brigade, maybe if you pulled your heads out of the sand there wouldn’t be so much flying around in the name of this cause since 20 years of heads in the sand has put the world and country way behind s hedule in remedying the problem (maybe too late now) and henerating a new economy in which the US should be the leader. I conclude with that statement as all righties pretty much care about is daz munny.

The Industrial Revolution has brought us untold advances, many of which I enjoy and benefit from (unfortunately war has been the catalyst for many of the 20th century’s innovations, penicillin for example created by and mass produced by British scientists and the US Dept of Agriculture (dismantled and castrated by Trump)), but it also brings us the chance for mutually guaranteed destruction in quick fashion or calamity by a slow crawl with what we are witnessing with climate change. But with the blessings that each age brings it has proven through time as each age eventually shows its cracks in the veneer, again as we are witnessing with environmental collapse on many levels (insects going going go
). The technology age is still in its nascency. It is offering us a chance to springboard from the industrial age with opportunities to escape the calamities of climate change, mass extinction, etc., but time is of the essence.

King Cotton was the absolute infallible economic key to long term economic stability and supremacy for The South even with the evils of existential reality and moral indifference staring them right in their face. The reluctance to accept snd embrace change, sacrifice and grow again stronger and better with the tools the Industrial Age would soon afford. Think you would have been an abolitionist in the run up to the Civil War, hah. Few were. They were demonized and considered radical extremist by the conservative norm which is what many of you would have been then as you are now. The South clung to their ignorance, power source and wealth; the latter eventually gone forever, the former only realized after massuve death, destruction and suffering. And the power source lined up willingly to thrust bsyonets into their hearts. Mother Nature has you in your sights, but I guess you’ll just let others take the bullet for your cowardice, proved repeatedly.

The USA is 250 years old, a mere drop in the longevity of typical superpower nation states. The Roman Empire would never collapse. Cling to the selfish wealth and ignorance of the past and you will join them.

First and Ten, your fragmented short burst “ignorances” are indicative of a fragmented mind.

PS Don’t try to play it was the republicans who set the slaves free, et al. That’s a shallow, ignorant understanding of political parties, their rise, evolution, change and decay. It’s the psychology of liberalism versus conservatism that dictates political movements, and no “party” over time has a monopoly over either.


All lefties care about is authoritarian power.


Yea. You’re right. From the one who leads his willing minions in that vain, who were on display at Texas GOP CPAC in their worship on their stage of the Hungarian Authoritarian Fascist leader. That’s a fact.

Your utterances are bumper sticker delusions.

Really enjoyed you venture into the football forum earlier. Numerous posts all week about parking, and you chime in, “Dude, where do I park?” You’re not Beevis.


They 100% do.
Did you notice he is not using feces this time? He is using beavis and butthead.

A few days ago gavin newsom, California governor is telling the entire world:

NO MORE GAS CARS FOR YOU or I will throw you in jail.

Just a couple of days ago the same gavin newson tells his constituents;

Why do you think he really means

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I have a gas car in California, when are they going to throw me in jail?

Lol, never. Completely made up.

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After 2035 you won’t be able to buy a gas car in California.

A couple of days ago the same newson told us that we should “let off” from charging EV’s.

This tells us that we are not near ready to have a grid supporting EV’s Nationwide let alone in

I will listen to Musk first when it comes to renewable energy. He told everyone that right now is not the time to do away with gas. He went further talking about National security.

d.c. politicians paid by renewable lobbyists and newsome have no idea what common sense is.
Renewable lobbyists get paid to push an agenda
newsome worth a fortune never spends a minute charging his car, getting gas or paying for it. He is is more interested into pushing covid mandates and have 5 years expelled from school for not wearing a mask. I almost forgot that the FRENCH LAUNDRY restaurant (indeed excellent) exemple defines who he is.
Rest assured that the same EV’s lovers will never relinquish their private jets, Rolls Royces, Ferraris or other toys.

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What does that have to do with getting thrown in jail?

gavin newsome INVITES these comments. I was half joking but he conveys this despicable and deplorable yes deplorable, one more time deplorable demeanor.

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Let’s just stick to facts like you ask of everyone else.