Coach Bishop @UHAA Ft. Bend Meet Thu. May 16 @UHSL

UPDATE: MBK Strength Coach Bishop will be our speaker

Plz RSVP with this EZ link so we have a headcount

UHAA Fort Bend is having our Annual Meeting Thursday, May 16th at the UH Sugar Land campus in the Brazos Hall at 5:30 PM. Food will catered by Charlies’ & Co. with beer, wine, water available. We will be voting a new Executive Board in place and let everyone know what we are up to! Hope to see you there! Annual meeting is usually pretty short: "Here’s our new Board. Need a Motion. Need a Second. All in favor say ‘Aye’ — Motion Passes.

Past speakers have included Kelvin (in 2018) & Kellen (in 2023) Sampson

Carl Lewis in 2019 (in back, with me standing on a chair)

I see @CZCoog @RWcoog @PBRCoog @coachv in this collage from the May 24th, 2012 UHAA Meeting at Pappasito’s — the Rhoades, Nesbitt Era

(click to embiggen)

So young!


And, speaking for me, we were so slim, too :smile:

I’ve asked about our speaker. I’ll post it as soon as I find out anything. No inside info here but my fingers are crossed :crossed_fingers: for our gregarious new coach!

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Damn I was such a baby.

Thanks for posting Steve!

I used to attend every one of those events and would pretty much see the same crowd.
It is good going to the current ones and seeing so many new faces each time.

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THE Crazy Coog and 81

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@coachv — MBK Strength Coach Bishop will be our speaker — should be fun & interesting. Plz be sure to use this EZ signup link so we have a headcount.

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Bump — Tonight