Coach Dana Holgorsen

I have been reading the posts here and it just made me wonder, why is CDH to blame. Half of it does fall on the player to be disciplined and execute what is being asked. Not completing a pass, squaring up and a tackling properly, being conditioned, etc is on them not the coaches. These young men have been playing for years and the first thing you are taught are the basic fundamentals. Its not CDH and crews job to re-teach that. I understand some will say because he is the HC, culture, and so forthe. Im getting sidetracked where Im trying to get at is from my understanding he is a pretty straight forward, blunt guy. Probably talks shot to them. This is just me but this team started getting out of hand towards the end of Applewhite’s first year.

We all know a lot of these kids now a days feel entitled and are emotional. I feel they dont like how strict he is and got used to how MA’s demeanor was relaxed and like a homeboy. “(CDH) is a peter and comes at me sideways” is probably what some of these kids think. CDH makes them earn it. It is probably 50/50 in the locker room but I can tell you this. CFB is just like a fortune 500 company. If you want to leave that is fine, there is somebody behind you who is ready to prove their worthiness.

If King, Corbin, and whoever else decide to leave I wish them the best.


We blame the teacher when students don’t learn. We blame the parents when children act up in public. We blame managers when goals are not met in the corporate world.


Therefore, we blame the coach when the team lose games that they should win.


My take on this is the players pretty much gave up under Appleseed. No drive or motivation and that really showed in the latter part of the season. We had a team, that if the season had continued, might not have ever won another game. In fact, that is pretty much what is happening.
CDH inherited a “we give up” culture and why work hard? It has already manifested itself early on in this season and CDH has some serious work to do.

Appleseed did serious damage to our program. How good of a coach was he? He couldn’t even land an assistant job at another school.


that is true if the manager/teacher has been there a while but if you inherit a business team mess or a class of unruly kids you don’t turn that around on day 1.

I refute the parent/child relationship. That isn’t a reasonable comparison. CDH isn’t with these guys 24/7 and they are young men not children.


In business, managers can and do roll up their sleeves and accomplish the goals even if their team doesn’t have the skills at the moment. Coaches can’t do that.


I suppose it depends on the type of business. I coached/managed a group of technical sales people. There is no way I could have rolled up my sleeves and called on all their clients. I had to motivate them and model behavior for them to be successful. Coaching is coaching.

Yeah, good point. Accounting is my field and my sleeves are almost always rolled up!


Hello troll, welcome to the board.

“Welcome them to the community”? InterestedParty makes his first post and he attacks the coach and me in the same sentence. Nice

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Yeah. I flagged his post. That was pretty obvious for a first post.


it might have been Appleseed himself making that post.

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Dang, I missed it. Work sucks.


A team will never function well if there are players that are not 100% committed to the teams success. Those players end up being a cancer. So nothing at all against any player that wants to leave, but if they want to leave, I just want them gone so the team can move forward in unity.

While we do tend to blame the authority figure when things go wrong, reality is that failure is normally much more of a 50-50 proposition.

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According to the experts that make the line, we won the game we should have. We were underdogs in all losses. But yes, we’re Coogs, we are supposed to go undefeated every year. BTW, Fritz has Tulane much better this year. They held Auburn to 8 points less than aTm.


That is not a good indication - losing all the games where you are an underdog. Betting lines are dynamic based upon team performance as the season wears on. If we are underdogs in all games, it is because Vegas doesn’t think we are good. The goal is to win as an underdog. Losing all the games you are an underdog in means your players aren’t executing and your coaches aren’t coaching.

The reverse is also true - you want to avoid losses where you are favored. If you win all the games you are favored in, then you are as good as thought.

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Beating the spread is an indication that your coaches and players out performed what was expected. If a team is a 2 TD underdog and losses by a TD it doesn’t mean the coach is bad, it means the opposite. Dana and the team outperformed what was expected in 2 of the FBS games and did about what was expected in 1. The one game you could say they did worse was PV, but I am not sure if most books even had spreads for that.

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