Congrats, baseball Coogs

You guys just signed my grand-nephew, Gavin MIller, from the transfer portal. He was recruited by Auburn when he was in the 9th grade, then was jacked around by Coach Butchie for the past 2 years. He’s from Pennsylvania and will play 3B and is a good one.

It’s currently a dumpster fire at Auburn. The handwriting is on the wall and the coaching staff is on notice. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of guy.

Disclaimer: die hard LSU fan here but I will root for the Cougs against everyone else.

Good luck to all your teams this coming year. Hope to enjoy some healthy conversation with you all.

Feel free to join our sports board for some good insight on all sports.


Congrats sir on your grand nephews accomplishments….very few players ever have the opportunity to play baseball at the D-1 level.

I really hope that things work out for him and he is able to showcase his skills.

But I have to be completely honest with you sir.

You mentioned the Auburn program being a “dumpster fire” currently.

Unfortunately, that is an appropriate way to describe the UH program as well.
I will not get into all the specifics and how we actually became this bad.

UH baseball was once a high level program with extremely high standards.

Over the past 5 -6 years it has spiralled downward.

Our head coach should have been fired each of at least the last 3-4 years.

If you want the details feel free to peruse some of the other threads and you should get the gist.

Nonetheless, congrats to your grand-nephew and welcome to the baseball community here at UH.
We are down to mostly diehards at this point.


We call em “Coogs” around here, the only “Cougs” we know are from Provo! Awesome news!


Yeah, as a fan of both programs, I can say without hesitation that Auburn is in a much more optimistic situation than UH. Even if they were an absolute disaster this year, they’re 2 years removed from a CWS appearance and they hosted a regional last year, even if they did absolutely fumble it. Meanwhile, UH baseball hasn’t even made the postseason for 6 years and there’s somehow no reason to believe Whitting’s job is at risk.

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Great to have him.
SO much playing time and individual glory up for grabs right now.
Forget all the macro level program stuff.
UH 3d base and all those B12 at bats is his to run with.

UH 3d in 24 started w an All American from Maine.
The move from America East was a baseball bridge(s) 2 far.
Long time catcher moved to 3d and he went off at the plate.

On here I beat the UH Baseball drum only but same here.
LSU’s Drew Bianco was last SEC portal guy at UH.
Hit even worse in AAC but great in CF. Best touch catching balls off the wall at UH I can think of.
They missed him badly in 24.


Harold Call transferred in from Arkansas this past offseason and a had really solid year hitting .317 with 13 HRs. Made All B12 Honorable Mention.

Johnathan French also transferred in this past offseason and hit .252 with 10 HRs. Took over starting catcher role and started in 41 games. He came over from South Carolina.

Meant to type LSU not SEC.
Coll looked the part for sure. A big year.
Hope the same from Miller.

Staff did French wrong in the OF.
Had an OK year settled in at catcher.

Zach Arnold- LSU 2 UH guy before Bianco.
Plays down the road from me in High A 4 Phillies.
Keep forgetting 2 wear UH gear 2 a game for a pic.

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