Connor Bennett

As Pollard eluded to a couple of weeks ago Connor Bennett is no longer with the program. Apparently, he has decided to quit baseball altogether. It is a shame to see such a talented player lose his love for the game, but is not that surprising to see given the way TW runs his program.

Also, Jaxon Jelkin decided not to sign with the Dodgers and is currently in the transfer portal. It is not that surprising that Jaxon didn’t sign, given his health issues, and it is also not that surprising that he did not go back to Houston given he was very disappointed in how they handled his injury situation last year.


Two situations that should not have happened….thats really tough to hear about CB….everyone handles things differently……I truly hope he does not get 10-20 years down the road and regret not giving everything he had to the game to see how far he could go.

I have seen a lot of guys play ball and as some of you know I have coached guys in the majors and many in the minors right now. Connor had what it took to play professional baseball IMO.
Once you get there anything can happen, you might even surprise yourself.
If he reads this, I hope he will consider playing somewhere else….might find the reasons that first drew him to the game.

As for JJ, he has a lot of potential….i hope he gets the proper rehab he needs and goes to a program that will use him correctly.
Most clubs draft you as a SP and then move you to the pen as needed.
I personally think Jaxon has a nice profile as a closer type….i think he could be very good in that role….more and more teams are drafting straight relievers if they have good stuff….JJ has above average stuff and I think it plays up in 1-2 inning stints.

Best of luck to both of these young men.


With us being so close to the Medical Center, there really is no excuse for not being able to provide proper rehab for players who have injuries.

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There’s only so much that the medical field can do for a guy.

Jaxon Jelkin has transferred to Kentucky. Apparently, their medical team can figure it out.


Jax my hope to not finish last in B12
w a few decent OOC wins.
Jelkins UH career was just 13 earned runs in 7 starts/ 34 innings & no wins. (0-0)
Not a word about UH staff, etc as he leaves. Unless I missed it.

Plenty of bad AAC then bad B12 relief pitching is back.
COVID season makes worst UH baseball team ever up for debate but 2025 looks grim.

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