Conspiracy Theory

Why do i get the feeling that the refs will make us lose tomorrow

In order to get more eyes on the Kansas game.

Tin foil hat activated.

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they’d want the coogs to win to sell can the big12 newbie beat the blue blood and stay #1 or does kansas take down the conference newbie twice imo. the coogs dropping a game does nothing but hurt selling that game.


Refs are gonna shoot our shots? Or block our shots? :thinking:


I mean because it has implications of who wins the B12 regular season.



It’s got trap game written all over it…
A combination of a big physical team vs our depleted Bigs and if Francis gets in foul trouble again…it definitely could be a struggle


Seeing how the reffing has gotten noticeably worse after we beat Iowa State, I would say this is an unfortunate truth rather than a conspiracy lol.

B12 execs are probably already fuming that KU threw away any chance of Saturdays game being on GameDay. Now imagine them if results go our way tomorrow and Saturday ended up being a battle of the walk-ons :woozy_face:

This board blames the refs way too much.


the officials don’t give a crap who wins


Careful, you might get flagged for this. But you Speak only the truth. :upside_down_face:


players, coaches, and officials make mistakes every game


Oklahoma shot 34 FTs to Cincy’s 11 tonight.

That stuff happens way too often as refs are humans, make mistakes, and can get caught up by a hostile crowd.

For evidence, UC shot 4 more FTs than OU up in Cincy 5 weeks ago.

Thats a swing of 27. Pretty hard to square that.


If they lose, it won’t be because of the refs. They better not take UCF lightly. I looked at their schedule/results. They’ve been in a lot of games.

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Why do so many people think fouls and free throws should be even? Should made FGs be even? Rebounds? turnovers? total points? Some teams foul more than others. Some teams go into the post more than others. Some teams shoot more 3s. Some teams get into the lane on dribble penetration more. There are so many factors that go into total number of free throws and every other stat.


Tin foil?

If the refs start calling everything we are in trouble

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Not KU vs UH like some of y’all predicted…

Why worry? If a video ref goes to the opponent’s schools and makes a deciding game decision then I will question it.
By the way:
Should not an A.D. demand that the refs including video ref not be connected to the home team or opponent?
I can’t remember of any games where this has occurred. Anyone that could look into the ncaa referee handbook that would be greatly appreciated.
That was not a conspiracy theory. IT WAS REAL!!!