I just tried to enter a post about the game and I got a listing of what I was watching (the game) to what I was currently watching can .Who was so interested in what I was watching? More interesting is why we’re they so interested in what I was watching??

You do realize you are in the Matrix…right???

They’re always watching.


I have to apologize for the negative posts I’ve made about the coogfans players and games. I went to UH during the years when they went to three straight final fours,unfortunely losing all three. So I have been waiting for another team to get back to the championship game. Coach S has rebuilt the program to a point we have a chance to relive those days. Nobody should doubt we are a hell of a lot closer than we’ve been in 25 years. Go COOGs!! Start a new winning streak tonight!


We paid a hefty price and learned hard lessons due to across-the-board apathy.

I don’t think we’ll let these programs slide again. There’s too much at stake competitive-wise, both athletically and academically, to let our reputation sink again. As of today, I don’t think UH has ever been on as strong a ground as where we’re standing. We have great leaders (on both sides of that coin) and I think they will end up taking this university places that we’d never imagine we could get to. Props to those with enough foresight to see the potential…and the cojones to act upon it.

I definitely know we’re in the matrix
. That’s why I sent the post. Someone seems to always be watching what everyone is doing. Home of the free?

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