Coogs up to #3 AP

Number 2 in coaches. Both receiving first place votes. I remember getting giddy for just being the last team to receive votes and now we are arguing about how being number 1 sucks. lol.


Exactly Norb.

What were we #6 when we played Dayton and Xavier?

Had Xavier won their students were going to rush the court.

No disrespect but I just don’t understand some of yalls logic.

I can tell you every single one of those players like being ranked highly and would love being #1
.and would show the swagger that goes with it
.you lose and drop a few? So what, dig down and climb back up.
Nobody expects to stay number one all year

And coach may be indifferent to it in public but he knows recruits notice it.

To each there own.

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I guess some people just don’t understand having a massive target on our back in every game comes with the territory still lol

Even tho we will be sandwhiched between them in polls all year I doubt KU and Baylor would want to get shown up by the new guys in the B12


As Sampson stated you just rent the #1 spot for awhile anyway


Exactly, let the kids enjoy it if it happens
.but like Norb said, if you are ranked in the top ten
.teams are gonna get pumped to beat you
.comes with the territory
.certainly nothing to be afraid of


I think just being Houston and our recent success gives us a big target.


It’s going to be tough for a Big 12 team to stay at #1 for very long, because there’s going to be a loss here and there in conference play. It’s going to be rough.

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You don’t necessarily have to drop after every loss if it happens infrequently enough. Purdue, who I felt deserved to drop last year even hung on to the top spot after a loss if a recall correctly.

I came into the season thinking it could be awhile before we suffer defeat and I still feel that way. I am eyeing that road test with BYU, but there are a couple before that one I expect the results to tighten up a bit.


Not expecting any big changes for us. I do expect A&M to fall.

Looks like we dropped a spot to #4. Oh boo hoo.

I wonder who gave UH a first place vote

First BracketMatrix released.

Fun review if you have the spare time. I think as the season goes along, they’ll be adding more brackets. Right now at 20.


They just cleaned it up this weekend. There will be 50+ brackets as march gets closer.

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This is who voted UH 1


Jeff knows what’ll happen if we play soft ass Arizona/Purdue

We did drop to #4 but we are much closer to #2 than #5
.so a bit misleading.

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Honestly doesn’t really bother me at this point. Just keep winning. Last season we were #1 3 times and didn’t get out of the sweet 16. Let’s keep humble and playing with a chip on our shoulder


Thanks Jeff

Interesting to see 3 Big East teams on the 2 line

Creighton is for sure overrated but UConn and Marquette are both legit