Damian Dunn

Not at all impressed with the young man. It’s still December, but with TA going down, he needs to put his March hat on. I remember Kelvin saying he’s not practicing or transitioning as well as Cryer likely because he didn’t come from a winning program. I sincerely hope he gets there, though. That inbound pass yesterday could’ve cost us the game, and I think his offensive decision making can be poor. Specifically, it seems when we force a TO and he’s by himself on the other end of the court, he presses to get the basket even if he’s double covered and the team is still on the way from the other end. You watch Jamal, Sharp, etc they’ll back off and wait for the team to show up to complete the play.

I hope he steps it up soon, or Ramon.


He did not score much against the Aggies, but he’s been solid all season.


He doesn’t seem quick enough to me on offense. He can’t shake defenders. Almost feels like slow motion. Then again Cryer and Shead are so quick.


It is his FT shooting that is especially troubling.

When we got him Sampson specifically mentioned his ability to get fouled and go to the FT line.

So far not an effective part of our offensive plan.

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Yall really don’t need to make whole threads talking about how you aren’t impressed with someone. Dunn just isn’t making shots rn, he’s not comfortable because he’s not used to playing with these caliber teammates in this type of role at this level. He will get there. Dunn will be that player that wasn’t doing much at the beginning of the year, the breaks out later.


He had one point, one rebound and three turnovers, including the last on that gave Agy a chance to take the lead.
Not sure what the problem is but he has not played well the last few games after a good start.
He is probably the key to our success now with TA out


Dunn makes his shots harder at times with an unneeded extra move and not getting his shoulders squared.

Give Dunn time w the craft of this staff.
After TX State on Dec 21 till WVU on Jan 6th they will break it down.
(Vs Penn on Dec 30)


With Arceneaux’s injury, UH will need a couple of guys to step up. ALL of UH’s players will be important to get to March and beyond. I think Dunn will rise to the occasion.


I think he does that because at Temple he drew foul calls. We don’t get calls.


That’s a POV I share.

I have never seen a college player not know the rule about only being able to run a baseline on a made basket….dude is dancing around on the sidelines inbounds?

Kids are taught this in 7th grade!



That’s true


I’ve seen it. Brain farts happen.

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Everyone should be concerned about Dunn.

He is our first Guard off the bench. He is the primary substitute.

He isn’t shooting all that well and is not a stud at the FT line. Our Guards need to shoot 80% at The Line.

Neither Wilson nor Walker seem up to the task of being first Guard off the bench.

We have played 11 games. Dunn is not improving.


Coach just said something about Dunn is starting to understand what he needs to do in practice.


Something about him not coming from a winning culture.

Dunn has played pretty well in the FC. Away from the FC, he’s 5/27 from the field including 1/8 from deep. Of course, the competition has been weaker in the FC than away from it, so that may play a role…


I think he searches for fouls too often.

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At Temple, DD was an iso ball driver who could pop the occasional 3. He’s having to adjust his game in real time. I’m cautiously optimistic that he’ll make the transition but it’s going to take some more time which we don’t have a lot of


I don’t get to see many of the games. Do we have him and Cryer/Sharp on the floor at the same time? If he needs the ball that much, there may not be enough balls to go around. If there is something to be figured out I think CKS will get it figured out.