😲 Damn i missed this!


What do you mean?

McTaggart, not happy with the UH program?

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He’s a big homer but he knows was up.

The result of the game stinks. I don’t know that I have taken a loss so hard in recent memory. This inflexible felt so big to me and to come up short is disappointing.

However, after settling down I have been reminded by the fact that we are going to lose some games when we join the Big XII. Our historical records against some competitors left in the conference is not great and we have no history with other schools like Kansas State and Iowa State. Those are tough places to play. We will stub our toe from time to time and find ourselves in some disappointing situations.

I do believe we have a good staff on hand and things will work out. There is a reason Dana was the second winningest coach in the conference. He has his short comings but I haven’t lost faith in he or his guys.

What I hope changes overnight is the size of our fanbase. I believe the size of the fanbase is the only thing holding us back now. We must find a way to change and truly grow our base. We cannot find ourselves at the bottom of the conference in tickets sold and expect to win on media rights payments alone. It’s not the whole picture. It is better than we will have ever had it, so that is encouraging.

The main question on my mind is what’s going ti change now? Will the apathy continue? Will our students support their teams through thick and thin?


Say what?

It does suck to lose a close game like that where we missed so many pts , drops , shoulda did that field goal etc. Things like unsportsmanlike conduct , ruffing the kicker and going for 3 when it’s there are easy to fix. The dropped passes are tougher to correct bc it happens.

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I gotcha.

Theres alot of mediocre football being played. (A&M, Notre Dame, etc)

But, Tech really sucked. The freaking Tech QB throws an INT with less than 1 minute in the game & we dont win. Besides Parish & Tank Dell, not alot of high quality play from the rest of the Coogs. Tune just starts so slow. Mostly on the O Coordinator, i get it.

If Cornerback was a weakness, why didn’t he address it in the portal this off-season? Hogan, Rogers, Emery are not high level corners. So why is Dana coming into this season, relying on these dudes

And looking at the roster, alot of the studs on this team are Seniors. So, next year Big 12, its gonna be McCaskill & Matthew Golden & a solid D-Line. That’s about it.

And if Dana, gave a sh*t about winning Big Ws next season & not being 6-6 or worse. He wouldn’t give the job to Lucas Coley. Who hasnt started a game. Alot of pressure to put on a young QB.

Bring in a QB with more experience.


Win by 1-6 Fire Shannon
Win by 7-14 Fire Shannon
Win by 14+ Fire Belk for not do this last week

Lose by 1-6 Fire Holgorsen. Its over
Lose by 7-14 Fire Tilman, Holgorsen and Pez
Lose by 14+ Fire Renu, Tilman, Pez, and Holgorsen

OT Win Fire Holgorsen and Shannon. Promote
OT Loss Fire Belk and Holgorsen. Hire Patterson
or whoever wins that day


Coogs need to run the ball… dig up some 3rd Ward full backs or tail backs or scant backs that have a chip on their shoulders because they were over looked by power 5 or others and let them run with the pig skin. Get some fast guys from the track team and teach them to catch the ball when it’s arms length away. Get some focus - magic potion for the team to keep their football knowledge out front and start playing each down as if it’s your down and it’s your job and have really really really fun at playing the game. Cut it up team… have a blast!!!


I have heard that somewhere. Maybe I’m wrong? I haven’t broken it down.

Yeah, for real. What is he talking about. Where was CDH the second winningest coach?

We are and have been seeing the results of 30+ years of Medicare recruiting. Dimel and Levine had some short term recruiting moments, but other that that, on average, it is not and has not been up to big12 championship level.

It has been at CUSA and AAC levels. No big surprise.

Hard agree on the recruiting. We have been coasting because we still land towards the top of the AAC in football without much effort.

We really need to invest heavily in recruiting… because Dana lives and dies through the portal…

Not sure if you are joking but I think there is some truth to this.

We need better athletes at our skill positions (WR, CB, OLB, DE, RB, OT).

If we lose to Kansas, the 2022 season wheels might fall off.

It’s also bc we keep starting over each 4 yrs. We can’t argue that Dana isn’t building depth and he knows what he’s doing. Plus every coaching change causes depth reduction bc the new guy has a new scheme. If we keep Dana , we will see what I’m talking about longterm.

For the fans

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Even if we lose to Kansas, the wheels won’t come off. The schedule is still weak. It will kill any chance of growing attendance because the games aren’t box office


If you lose to Kansas you will be lucky to get 15k at the games

I think living and dying by the Portal is pretty much the way it is for G5 schools honestly. Hopefully the move to the B12 changes that.

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